Solcast hourly forecast zero/null values

I am running the new Solcast integration successfully. I want to display hourly values in an entity card using the ‘custom entity row’ add in thus:

type: entities
title: Solcast Hourly Forecast
  - type: custom:template-entity-row
    icon: mdi:sun-clock
    name: Forecast for 00:00 to 01:00
    state: >-
      'detailedHourly')[0]['pv_estimate']|round(4) }} 
  - type: custom:template-entity-row
    icon: mdi:sun-clock
    name: Forecast for 01:00 to 02:00
    state: >-
      'detailedHourly')[1]['pv_estimate'] }} 
  - type: custom:template-entity-row
    icon: mdi:sun-clock
    name: Forecast for 02:00 to 03:00
    state: >-
      'detailedHourly')[2]['pv_estimate'] }} 

This works quite well except for the zero rows in the night.:

I would like to hide those rows but the displayed ‘0’ are not actually zero numbers. I suspect that Solcast doesn’t send data if there isn’t a positive forecast to save bandwidth, but how can I detect these rows and then hide them? TIA.

I don’t think the entities card can do that. take a look at the auto-entities card instead

there are a number of examples in there to get you going

Thanks. I have used that card before. But what expression do I use as the “0” aren’t zero integer?

not sure what your threshold is, but something like this?

    - state: "< 0.1"