I use a BME280 connected to my Raspberry Pi running home assistant to track the environment of my “machine room” area (on three different locations/installs). Since the announcement of the deprecation of GPIO and associated sensors, are there any solutions in the works for BME sensors utilizing ha-rpi_gpio, or some other system add on?
It does in that I’m also using esphome for “remote” sensing, but I’d rather not add another device when the pi already has so much potential with the GPIO on the device, exactly where I want to take the measurements….
I have searched within the forums, in hacs, and via google, I have not found anything that looks like a custom component yet, except the suggestion of ripping out and saving bme280 from a pre-removal home assistant components directory. That’s why I’m asking here if anyone is working on a more accessible solution. If there is a forum reference, or a URL you could provide, I would be grateful. Thanks!
@Scott8586 have you find some solution?, I have the same issue, especialy after 2022.7 update of core, is not possible to use cusom component from older version of core …
I’ve been using https://github.com/thecode/ha-rpi_gpio without any problem since this component was first deprecated. Had an initial hiccup with 2022.7 but after re-downloading from the repository and rebooting the host it came back fine.
I’m only using it as a switch to pull one gpio pin high for a UPS I have on my Pi.