I am trying to uninstall a set of nodes (node-red-contrib-kuvork) from the node red add on, but it keeps saying “in use” even though I have deleted all the nodes that were in use. I need to remove these to install another package, but since they conflict I can’t. Is there a way to force uninstall these packages?
Does it have a configuration node? If so, delete it too.
That did the trick. Thanks
Yes. It works.
- put back the nodes in “Flow 1” let say
- in config node, u need to change the node from “On All Flow” to “Flow 1”
- Delete the node.
- Deploy.
How exactly does one remove the configuration node? It is greyed out and unselectable. The entire palette cannot be deleted until this part stops showing “in use.” Also, I have removed all nodes from my flows so they technically aren’t even in use anyway. This has caused problems for me on more than one occasion.
Double click the configuration node?
Appreciate this was marked “solved” but it really wasn’t.
Without SSH, to remove nodes that are “in use” (in my case duplicate names in packages i was testing), go into visual code server: Home Assistant Community Add-on: Visual Studio Code
Go through package.json, package_lock.json, node_modules, nodes and remove reference to the package you dont want.
restart the node red instance from the addons page.
You will have removed unwanted “in use” nodes. This will break your set up if the nodes are legitimately in use, for me they were duplicate names and it was fine.
I tried adding the node node-red-contrib-discord-status.
I gave it a test Discord username and password. It then said to authorise the IP from my email and copy/paste the token into the Token field. This email never apppeared, so I guess the node is old / broken. I then deleted the node from the flow I was testing in, and tried to remove it but couldn’t.
Searching for it in the installed pallette showed a greyed out “Token” node that upon searching didn’t show-up as a usable node, but was still showing as “In Use” despite not being?!
I googled and came across this thread.
There were no config nodes to delete & nothing in the flow, so the accepted answer did not help me.
Going into configurations with VS-Code and deleting things that might be in use seems a bit too “bull in a china shop” for me and I figured there had to be a better way instead of “randomly” deleting things that might be in use somewhere else, because that felt like swinging a sledge hammer “randomly” in a china shop to remove the lid from a single tight jar… by hitting anything that resembled said jar… or anything that got in your way.
Simply refreshing the NodeRed webpage (Ctrl+F5 in Chrome) and then looking in the installed nodes section of the pallette again showed it was no longer “In Use”, so I disabled it and uninstalled the broken node.
The issue had just been that Chrome was keeping a node “in use” because I’d opened it previously… although it wasn’t really in use anymore. If that hadn’t of worked, then simply restarting NodeRed / Home Assistant would have also done the trick, to refresh the state.
Hopefully this helps anyone else thats being stuck unable to uninstall a node in the future because of “child” / “hidden” nodes being labelled “In Use” when they’re not.