SOLVED: Dome motion sensor

I have a Dome zwave motion sensor that I got because I like the form factor of the device. I have been struggling to get the luminance detection to work with for some time. I have excluded and included the device 5 times now. This last time I did a factory reset. Others have this sensor picking up luminance and have given me pointers but still it is not able to measure luminance which is one of the features I wanted to use.


Before installing I had it reading luminance every 12 hours with the homeassistant install, but was seeing some other weirdness and decided to go down the route to see if it was more stable. The homeassistant version I am in 66.1 and .100 of the hypervisor on a Pi3.

I did notice in the zwcfg file:

 <CommandClass id="49" name="COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL" version="7" innif="true">                                                                                                                                                            
                                <Instance index="1" />                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                                <Value type="decimal" genre="user" instance="1" index="3" label="Luminance" units="" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="0.0" />        

The units are blank and so is the max value. If I modify the zwcfg.xml file and put in “lux” and a max value, after a bounce of, I can see units and max get set in the entity browser. After removing and adding the Dome sensor the entity shows:

Any pointers on how to debug this would be great, as I don’t want to move forward with any other items including adding more automations with other sensors until I either go to another sensor that is verified to work on 66 or I get this working.

I decided to remove my automation.yaml entry for the switch I am controlling and trying to use the group association to trigger the switch. I tried basic_set as well as binary not sure if that would work either in this case.


Only the burglar detection and binary sensor pick up each activity. I still think that I need the automation to turn the code into an on or off action which does work with the automation of:

- action:
  - data:
      entity_id: light.level
    service: light.turn_on
  alias: When movement in MB WC turn light on
  - below: '2000'
    condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.dome_motion_detector_luminance
  id: '1521395553520'
  - entity_id: binary_sensor.sensor
    from: 'off'
    platform: state
    to: 'on'
- action:
  - data:
      entity_id: light.level
    service: light.turn_off
  alias: When no movement in MB WC turn light off
  condition: []
  id: '1521395698760'
  - entity_id: binary_sensor.sensor
      minutes: 3
    from: 'on'
    platform: state
    to: 'off'

This automation does turn the light on and off but ignores the “for” as well as the luminance test.

Maybe stating the most common thing, but if you re-add it. You have to wake it up a couple of times so it can read the complete configuration. If you only add it and then restart hass it might not have finished it. (Reason why i still use ozwcp sometimes, since it shows more then hass)

Dome tech support finally responded back and are sending me another sensor. We went through some troubleshooting and they finally just agreed to exchange the sensor with a new one. They think it is the Z-Stick or the sensor itself that is bad.

So I shipped mine off to them and will get a replacement. Hopefully the new one works.

Got the replacement sensor and everything is working. I wish I had not spent hours trying to troubleshoot it, but I learned quite a bit.

i got the same problem, called dome support and they are going to replace it. kudos to their good customer support

Sorry to resurrect this old thread, but did you guys have to do some special configuration to get luminance working? I have 5 of these sensors and for all of them, the luminance rearly updates. Does anyone have any luck with it? My goal is to be able to use it in automation to turn on the lights

I did a little write up on these see if it helps… I found a little patience with them goes a long way.

Thanks man, that fixed it :slight_smile: They became from useless to a lot more useful now