right, all work at the first attempt, just nothing in the media/newfoldercreate, after the first reboot, it works!!!
BUT after a 2nd reboot nothing works, rules have gone…
any idea please?
So bad, its a nice solution if it will be persistent…lol
and manually it works :
docker container exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash
mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usbstoragelocal
but how make it permanent? i try hours and hours with ssh&terminal addon from @frenck with no luck, i mean manually in the Terminal, it works, but has gone after a reboot, so i try in init_command, errors…try an automation with hassio.stdin threw the ssh addon…errors…
If any good people can help, it would be appreciate…thanks
This was a bit of a struggle, but I managed to figure this out and piece the puzzle together. The gist linked in the original post by OP does what it needs to, using udev, but there’s a couple of gotchas.
Just been looking for exactly this, awesome. Will be upgrading my NUC to one with an M2 + a SATA drive and want to mount the SATA to media for Frigate clips.
Did you succed in doing so?
Tried it but is seems the SATA drive is not mounted (at least, doesn’t look like it when checking with “df -h”)
BTW - is there a way to mount the SATA drive to a specific folder inside Media?
I’d like only the recordings of Frigate to be saved to the SATA HDD, all the rest of the media to be saved to the NVMe…
I connected monitor/keyboard to my nuc and followed the instructions, finding my uuid and then using vi to create the 80-rule. Just testing it now, but appears to work. Next step is to see if I can actually mount it to Frigate.
:EDIT: OK, changed the 80-mount rules file to mount directly into
/mnt/data/supervisor/media/ and…
IT WORKS! Frigate is now recording directly to my SATA drive as evidenced by the increasing df -ah output from the terminal.
This works in Home Assistant OS 7.2, Home Assistant 2021.12.10
Thank you. I’ve been like 6 hours now figuring out how to mount an external drive. It seems crazy to me that this isn’t plug and play…
Those who say this isn’t needed because HA is not supposed to be a media server… okay (ugh). Still, plugging a USB drive and see the files is pretty basic, even if “you” don’t want to use it as a media server.
I have followed your instructions and have successfully mounted my exfat formatted hard drive. But I am unable to see any content in the media folder where the drive name is showing up. None of the folders inside are showing up. I have restarted my HA, even rebooted my host. I am at a loss to what I should do next? Anyone have any ideas? I know it has to be something small.
Again thanks for writing such detailed instructions
Did you tried it on the Blue Odroid?
Also running my HASS.IO on the Blue and want to connect an external SSD for storing the recorder DB.
Sadly HA 05/2022 has removed the abillity to use SQLITE in memory for recorder.
Yeah I am noticing this as well with the formats. Probably just going to give up on this and rebuild my Home Assistant into one of the other many methods of running it. I thought the point of the OS was to sorta, just work without hacking things together.
It makes no sense why there is no native removable storage support in something that definitely should.
Thanks for posting this.
I tried it out and it indeed works and i can see my hard drive now in media folder but my conbee II stick stops working both with deconz and zigbee2mqtt integration