[Solved] Operate HA together with EnOcean Pi board

Hi all!

I am new to HA. I have some EnOcean devices that I would like to control via HA. To do so, I want to use a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4GB and the EnOcean Pi board:

The green led on the EnOcean Pi board is on, so at least something is working - However, I couldn’t find any documentation whether its supposed to do something else than glow constantly (e.g. the USB dongle seems to blink every time it receives a telegram).

I sucessfully downloaded and flashed the image for Pi 4 Model B 32-bit (since it says this is needed to get GPIO support).
Since then, I have tried a lot of things to get it to work by now (or rather: Try to understand what’s going on). Spoiler-alert: I am starting to believe that this setup is not properly supported by HA…

What I tried:

  • I was able to create the EnOcean integration with the path /dev/ttyAMA0. This was accepted by HA. However, I also manage to successfully perform this step if I dismount the EnOcean Pi board, so this does not seem to be the most reliably feedback.
  • I tried with and without adding the same information to my configuration.yaml (as marked as DEPRECATED here): https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/enocean/
  • I added a binary_sensor to my config:
  - platform: enocean
    id: [0xFE,0xF1,0x33,0x10]
  • I put this binary sensor into an automation to create an entry into the logbook.
    Result: Nothing happens (however, when I manually trigger the automation, it works)
  • Next, I tried to debug things. Following the advise here: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/need-help-with-setting-up-some-enocean-devices/162179/9, I listened to any kind of button_pressed events (via Developer Tools -> Events -> Listen to events) as well as activating debug messages for EnOcean:
  default: error
    homeassistant.components.enocean: debug

Result: Nothing shows up in any of the logs.

  • Next, I installed the SSH & Web Terminal addon to try to find out whether some data can be seen on system level:
hexdump < /dev/ttyAMA0
sudo hexdump < /dev/ttyAMA0

Result: The output is empty. However, I am not sure whether that should be allowed…

So far, I was not able to see a single bit of activity from the board.
My question: Is anyone using this kind of setup and can confirm that the steps above are sufficient? (Then I would assume some kind of defect of the board itself) Or can some give me additional hints what steps I might have missed?

To sum up: I would appreciate any hints and advise to fix things or at least continue debugging. I would really love to stick to HA, but if my fear is coming true then I would move 100% to FHEM (since I can find a lot of evidence that the board can be used with FHEM), since my use cases are not really complicated (yet) to justify operating two full-blown home automation hubs in a row… Also, I want to stick to the board since (a) I have bought it by now and (b) I think it looks a lot cleaner than the USB dongle :wink:

Thanks a lot for your support!

Update: I have to split up my inital post, please also see my own replays below…

Some toughts and findings I can add:
According to EnOcean themselfes, to use the board, blocking system (debug trace, bluetooth at least on Pi3) need to be disabled and/or moved first:
I am not sure whether this applied to HassOS as well. Unfortunately, I was not able to follow the instructions above, since I neither the command raspi-config can be found nor do I find a folder called “boot”, therefore I am stuck with the advise given there. Whether this is due to a different structure and feature set of HassOS or due to missing permissions via SSH or simply being in the wrong space, I cannot tell.

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As already mentioned, I am starting to believe this setup is not supported. This is backed by these findings:

And last immediate replay: I am sorry I had to split this into three posts. However, as a new user, I am not allowed to post more than 2 links in one post oO
Feature request: I really link the sticky about “how to ask a good question”, and I tried to follow it as best as possible. However, this rule above really hinders me in doing to (at least from my point of view)…

Update: I finally managed to get it up and running! :slight_smile:
After less focusing on my specific board but generally getting SOME board to run on Pi4, I found this thread, and that did the trick:
So, for future reference:

  • Unplug the SSD-card from the raspberry and put it to your PC
  • open config.txt
  • Add the following lines:
  • Put the SD card back in your Pi -> I works like a charm!

So now, my sensors are working as expected and I will continue with trying to set up a switch as well - let’s see what other pitfalls I will find, but I consider this topic done :wink:

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Please help me with the following:

  1. I removed SSD card from the RPi and mount it to my PC
  2. I didn’t find config.txt anywhere

You need to boot to linux and mount the 1st partition (vfat) on the HAS sd card - there you’ll find the config.txt file.

Hi Markus85, would it be possible to send a screenshot of HA where enOcean is functional and you can see how it works? THX

Hi Zokej, unfortunately not any more. After managing to get to board to run, I discoverd that at least back in the days, the overall EnOcean support of HA in terms of sensors and acctuators was somewhat limited. That’s why I switchen to openHAB (where I stumbled over the same problem to get started, but knew the solution already…), so I cannot show you a working HA setup any more…

Hello all!

I know this question is considered solved, but the link:
Pi 4 setup with Razberry V2 (Solved) - #6 by Jeff_G from markus85 refers to the integration of a zwave USB stick and not an EnOceanPi for the GPIO. There are two small differences to note with USB and zwave.

As already described
After the HA installtion, pull the SSD card out of the Raspberry and put it into the PC.
open config.txt
add the following lines:


Power on RPi without EnoceanPi and finish installtion of HA. Shutdown HA, switch off the Pi and plug the EnoceanPi to the GPIO.
Install the addon “File Editor” under Supervisor. Open the configuration.yaml in the path /config. Add the following lines:

device: /dev/ttyS0

Here you have to enter enocean instead of zwave and instead of usb_path: /dev/ttyS0 you have to enter device:. The two spaces in front of device are also necessary. Then I restarted HA.

Now in HA under Settings → Devices & Services → Integrations → EnOcean → Add entry.
You will be asked for the USB path, here enter: /dev/ttyAMA0
Now no error should be displayed in the Integrations window for EnOcean.

Is it necessary to edit the config.txt before the first boot? Could you specify what you mean with “the two spaces” at enocean: device: /dev/ttyS0 ?

In the Z-Wave Tutorial it says:
" zwave:
usb_path: /dev/ttyS0"

So usb_path is replaced by device in this case correct?