[SOLVED] Your manually configured MQTT sensors need attention

Well, i couldn’t post my message because the title “Your manually configured MQTT sensor(s) needs attention” had already been used. Surprise, surprise.
I’ve had a warning:
Manually configured MQTT binary_sensor(s) found under platform key binary_sensor.
Please move the configuration to the mqtt integration key and restart Home Assistant to fix this issue. See the documentation, for more information.
So, I dutifully followed the link MQTT Binary Sensor - Home Assistant
and did a search for “integration key”. There’s no mention within the page.
I set up my system 5 years ago and it’s just fine the way it is.
Am I supposed to know what “Please move the configuration to the mqtt integration key” means?
Unsurprisingly, the other poster had essentially the same question. What are your expectations?
…and the response was … “see the documentation” !!!
What does it mean, please?

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I think you should probably start a new topic wit your question.
I’m trying to find out exactly what the meaning of the warning is, or what I should do about it.

I think, you should have look on what I posted, before you start to react. I don’t have a question, I’m helping you… :stuck_out_tongue:

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If you have been using HA for 5 years then I would think the answer to that should be yes.

Everything in the configuration of HA that uses yaml uses key:value pairs.

the integration for mqtt used to be set up as platforms under the respective domains (sensor, binary_sensor, light, cover, etc) now the the mqtt integration has it’s own domain key called “mqtt:”.

You need to move all of your mqtt platforms from the various integrations/domains into the mqtt integration key (or “mqtt:” as the documentation and warning message tells you).

I draw a distinction between “using” and “spending all my evenings continuously reconfiguring”. I’m sure many of you folk are twiddling and tweaking all the time. I’m more of a “if it works, leave it alone” kind of one-shot hacker.

Please help me; I don’t want to fall out with anyone, but since I did my install, I’ve been soooo pleased and proud of the fact that HA hasn’t actually needed very much fiddling at all.

I mostly use it for remote switching of lights, but some of my light switches use a 433MHz transmitter. My MQTT include file is simply multiple instances similar to:

 - platform: mqtt
   state_topic: "bridge/tele/RESULT"
   name: "R01A"
   value_template: "{{value_json.RfReceived.Data}}"
   payload_on: "20D711"
   payload_off: "20D711off"
   off_delay: 0.5
   qos: 1

I am familiar with key:value pairs (eg in the context of Python dictionaries); I think it’s YAML that is my struggle.

The documentation link given in the warning doesn’t bear any resemblance to the above, and I can’t see the connection. I must be looking in the wrong place.

I think you’re telling me that rather than platform: mqtt, I should have something like mqtt: binarysensor ?

I’ve tried modifying the above to:

 - mqtt:
   - binary_sensor:
     - state_topic: "bridge/tele/RESULT"
       name: "R01A"
       value_template: "{{value_json.RfReceived.Data}}"
       payload_on: "20D711"
       payload_off: "20D711off"
       off_delay: 0.5
       qos: 1

but HA says

Invalid config for [binary_sensor]: required key not provided @ data[‘platform’]. Got None.

Which I think means “your YAML’s nonsense.” Are there any examples of “old” and “new” versions? Can you pick the holes in the above?

Anything greatly appreciated. Thanks for your patience.

With apologies. I’m only seeing a question. I too have an old version, but I’m not seeing the answer unless you also have your new version? Thanks.

You should be fine with that config. Just remove the - in front of MQTT.


Yes. I was being a bin-lid. I forgot the mqtt: key was already in the configuration. yaml and the rest was in an include file.
Thank you.