Somfy Protexial Alarm

OK ! One little step further :slight_smile:

Now we’re in web scrapping issue.

Here is the regex used with my alarm, in order to scrap the authentication code :

 <select name=""login""> <option value=""u"">Utilisateur1</option> <option value=""i"">Installateur</option> <option value=""t"">Télésurveilleur</option> </select></div><div class=""label"">Code d'accÚs</div><div class=""field""><input type=""password"" name=""password"" value="""" maxlength=""12"" size=""16""></div><br /><div class=""label"">Code d'authentification &nbsp;<b>(?<CodeAuthentification>[A-F][1-5])</b>

I guess it’s caused by root page’s language (french for my, english for you ?)

Have you possibility to send my the page content when connecting to your alarm, with PM ?

Manually logged in via the Protexial Web UI (not sure if that helped somehow) and now see the following error messages.

info: SomfyProtexialIO.Proxy.Hassio.Startup[0]
      Registering Quartz.Net job 'SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmConnectionJob, SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Proxy.Hassio.Startup[0]
      Registering Quartz.Net job 'SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob, SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Now listening on: http://[::]:80
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Proxy.Hassio.Startup[0]
      Starting the engine...
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Proxy.Common.Misc.Engine[0]
      Running AlarmConnectionJob
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Proxy.Common.Misc.Engine[0]
      Running AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Proxy.Hassio.Startup[0]
      Engine started
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Hosting environment: Production
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Content root path: /app
warn: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob[0]
      Disconnected, cannot update cache
info: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmConnectionJob[0]
      Trying to connect as 'u'...
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Implementations.API.SomfyProtexialClientWebScrapping[0]
      Contacting Somfy alarm...
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Implementations.API.SomfyProtexialClientWebScrapping[0]
      Contacting Somfy alarm...
info: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmConnectionJob[0]
      Connected as 'u'
info: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob[0]
      Fetching elements for the first time...
fail: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob[0]
      Exception in AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob
fail: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob[0]
      Label 'TC 2' doesn't exists
info: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob[0]
      Fetching elements for the first time...
fail: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob[0]
      Exception in AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob
fail: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob[0]
      Label 'TC 2' doesn't exists
info: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob[0]
      Fetching elements for the first time...
fail: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob[0]
      Exception in AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob
fail: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob[0]
      Label 'TC 2' doesn't exists
info: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob[0]
      Fetching elements for the first time...
fail: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob[0]
      Exception in AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob
fail: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob[0]
      Label 'TC 2' doesn't exists

Connecting to https://hostname:8193 doesn’t work.

Seems the language is the issue here. Mine is running in German. Here is the code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="de" lang="de">
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css" />
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/domis.ico" type="image/x-icon"/>
    <meta name="language" content="de" />
    <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">
    <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
    <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache, must-revalidate"> 
<link href="/domis_welcome.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><style type="text/css">img{border:none;};#menu a{border-bottom:none;}</style></head><body><div id="wrapper"><div class="loginhouse">&nbsp;</div><div id="login_wrapper"><div class="area_hide"></div><form id="form_id" method="post" action="login.htm"><div class="label">Konto</div><div class="field"><select name="login"> <option value="u">Benutzer1</option> <option value="i">Errichter</option> <option value="t">FernĂŒberwachung</option> </select></div><div class="label">Zugriffscode</div><div class="field"><input type="password" name="password" value="" maxlength="12" size="16"></div><br /><div class="label">Authentifizierungscode &nbsp;<b>E1</b></div><div class="field"><input type="password" name="key" value="" maxlength="6" size="16"></div><br /><div><input type="submit" name="btn_login" value="Verbindung" id="connect"></div></form><div id="copyright">Copyright ©2014 Somfy SAS - IDDN.FR.001.300010.000.D.P.2014.000.41100<br> All rights reserved. All reproduction, use, distribution of this software, in whole or in part by any means, without SOMFY SAS's prior written approval is strictly forbidden.</div></div><div id="languages">&nbsp;<div class="flag" style="margin-left: 37px;"><a href="/de/login.htm"><img src="/img/flag_de.png" alt="de"/></a>&nbsp;</div><div class="flag" style="margin-left: 37px;"><a href="/fr/login.htm"><img src="/img/flag_fr.png" alt="fr"/></a>&nbsp;</div><div class="flag" style="margin-left: 37px;"><a href="/gb/login.htm"><img src="/img/flag_gb.png" alt="gb"/></a>&nbsp;</div><div class="flag" style="margin-left: 37px;"><a href="/nl/login.htm"><img src="/img/flag_nl.png" alt="nl"/></a>&nbsp;</div><div class="flag" style="margin-left: 37px;"><a href="/it/login.htm"><img src="/img/flag_it.png" alt="it"/></a>&nbsp;</div></div><div id="logo_somfy">&nbsp;</div></div></body></html>

I don’t understand why it works this way (to investigate !) :expressionless:

But logs are showing that add-on is successfully logged in :slight_smile:

Thank you for the page content, it clearly confirms that regex is not right, because depending on language => I need to abstract/ignore labels.

Also, “TC 2” is not a known element (seems to be “Keytis 2” remote control, I don’t own them, and my add-on is too much reductive) => your “u_listelmt.htm” page content whould be very usefull to me => I would recommend to you to send it via PM message and change element ids for security reasons.

I progressed and was able to fix my issue by configuring the correct credential
The proxy seems to connect and try to retrieve the data, but I have a lot of warning. See below
It’s related to DM, but I don’t know what’s that element.
Note : I’m also french, so same configuration as you I guess
Note : When I log to http://localhost:8093 I get below message as expected :

I then installed your Gateway, configured it and seems dtat are sent to my Broker

It’s looks so really promising. I will check now what I get under HA and will let you know.

Warning message that I got whn started th proxy:

warn: SomfyProtexialIO.Implementations.API.SomfyProtexialClientWebScrapping[0]
A known error occured when fetching element with code ‘285104’ (name ‘Salon’)
warn: SomfyProtexialIO.Implementations.API.SomfyProtexialClientWebScrapping[0]
Element label ‘DM’ is not handled yet, handled ones are : ‘Tr TĂ©l’, ‘Cl lcd’, ‘TC 4’, ‘Sir ext’, ‘Sir int’, ‘DM image’, ‘DO’, ‘DO vitre’, ‘Badge’, ‘TC 2’, ‘Tahoma’
warn: SomfyProtexialIO.Implementations.API.SomfyProtexialClientWebScrapping[0]
A known error occured when fetching element with code ‘285121’ (name ‘Chambre’)
warn: SomfyProtexialIO.Implementations.API.SomfyProtexialClientWebScrapping[0]
Element label ‘DM’ is not handled yet, handled ones are : ‘Tr TĂ©l’, ‘Cl lcd’, ‘TC 4’, ‘Sir ext’, ‘Sir int’, ‘DM image’, ‘DO’, ‘DO vitre’, ‘Badge’, ‘TC 2’, ‘Tahoma’
warn: SomfyProtexialIO.Implementations.API.SomfyProtexialClientWebScrapping[0]
A known error occured when fetching element with code ‘219935’ (name ‘Bureau Isa’)
warn: SomfyProtexialIO.Implementations.API.SomfyProtexialClientWebScrapping[0]
Element label ‘DM’ is not handled yet, handled ones are : ‘Tr TĂ©l’, ‘Cl lcd’, ‘TC 4’, ‘Sir ext’, ‘Sir int’, ‘DM image’, ‘DO’, ‘DO vitre’, ‘Badge’, ‘TC 2’, ‘Tahoma’
warn: SomfyProtexialIO.Implementations.API.SomfyProtexialClientWebScrapping[0]
A known error occured when fetching element with code ‘219936’ (name ‘Hall Entree’)
warn: SomfyProtexialIO.Implementations.API.SomfyProtexialClientWebScrapping[0]
Element label ‘DM’ is not handled yet, handled ones are : ‘Tr TĂ©l’, ‘Cl lcd’, ‘TC 4’, ‘Sir ext’, ‘Sir int’, ‘DM image’, ‘DO’, ‘DO vitre’, ‘Badge’, ‘TC 2’, ‘Tahoma’
warn: SomfyProtexialIO.Implementations.API.SomfyProtexialClientWebScrapping[0]
A known error occured when fetching element with code ‘286016’ (name ‘Garage’)
warn: SomfyProtexialIO.Implementations.API.SomfyProtexialClientWebScrapping[0]
Element label ‘DM’ is not handled yet, handled ones are : ‘Tr TĂ©l’, ‘Cl lcd’, ‘TC 4’, ‘Sir ext’, ‘Sir int’, ‘DM image’, ‘DO’, ‘DO vitre’, ‘Badge’, ‘TC 2’, ‘Tahoma’
warn: SomfyProtexialIO.Implementations.API.SomfyProtexialClientWebScrapping[0]
A known error occured when fetching element with code ‘289531’ (name ‘Couloir’)
warn: SomfyProtexialIO.Implementations.API.SomfyProtexialClientWebScrapping[0]
Element label ‘DM’ is not handled yet, handled ones are : ‘Tr TĂ©l’, ‘Cl lcd’, ‘TC 4’, ‘Sir ext’, ‘Sir int’, ‘DM image’, ‘DO’, ‘DO vitre’, ‘Badge’, ‘TC 2’, ‘Tahoma’
info: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob[0]
12 elements successfully fetched because at least one door / window is opened
info: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob[0]
Fetching elements because at least one door / window is opened

I tested under Lovelace and here are all entities I can manipulate, but playing with them it doesn"t seems to act on the Alarm device itself
Ex: I clicked on the Switch to enable Alarm Total ==> ?othing happened
I activated my alarm manually with my badge, but nothing displayed on the HA Screen
Any idea ?
Do I missed something ?

Finally, I don"t know why but the Gateway was not started despite I remember I started it and saw data in MQTT Broker too.
I started it again and now I can access my Alarm status and can Also Activate / desactivate it !
Great Job Florian
Just a question : To activate the alarm with a simple switch is OK for me, but to Disable it, I would prefer to have to pass through a Keyboard entry Card (like the Alarm card). Do you think it’s posisble ?

Hi @isaste,

I’m very glad to know it works on your Hassio :smiley:

I’m not aware of “Alarm card”, but I’m going to take a look at it this week => it sounds interesting to me too!

Please note that I’ve updated “Proxy” (0.5) and “Gateway” (0.2) :

  • logs are improved (warnings such you mentionned are fixed :slight_smile: )
  • I corrected a problem concerning the creation of as many “Protexial IO” hardware as there are switches => from my point of view the best is to remove all the “Protexial IO” hardware and restart the Gateway.
  • Having also had a problem with the alarm switches on my Hassio, I renamed the elements => it is therefore possible that you have duplicates for the switches (you have to keep those of the “Protexial IO” hardware)

I hope it will still works well !


Thanks so much Florian. Just installed it and the good news is I don’t see any error messages anymore in the logs. Everything seems to start nicely and to connect to each other. Nevertheless I don’t have any new entities in HA. Either I am just blind and don’t find them or there is still something wrong with my setup. Any help on what to check would be appreciated. Thanks.

info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.Hassio.Startup[0]
      Starting the engine...
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.Common.Engine[0]
      Searching for plug-ins in 141 assemblies...
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.Common.Engine[0]
      Found plug-in 'SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Misc.HomeAssistantMqttPlugIn, SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'...
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.Common.Engine[0]
      Loading plug-in 'SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Misc.HomeAssistantMqttPlugIn, SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'...
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.Common.Engine[0]
      Adding plug-in 'Home Assistant MQTT'...
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.Common.Engine[0]
      Plug-in 'Home Assistant MQTT' successfully added
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.Common.Engine[0]
      Starting plug-in 'Home Assistant MQTT'...
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Misc.HomeAssistantMqttPlugIn[0]
      Running MqttConnectionJob
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Misc.HomeAssistantMqttPlugIn[0]
      Running MqttPublisherJob
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.Common.Engine[0]
      Successfully started plug-in 'Home Assistant MQTT'
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.Common.Engine[0]
      1 plug-ins added
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.Common.Engine[0]
      1 plug-ins started
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.Common.Engine[0]
      Running AlarmConnectionJob
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.Common.Engine[0]
      Running AlarmStateCacheUpdateJob
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.Hassio.Startup[0]
      Engine started
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.Jobs.MqttConnectionJob[0]
      MQTT client not connected to MQTT broker ''
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.Jobs.MqttConnectionJob[0]
      Trying to connect to MQTT broker '' as client '7c07b613-671d-4cef-ac33-92970b493070'...
warn: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Jobs.MqttPublisherJob[0]
      MQTT client is not connected yet...
warn: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Jobs.MqttPublisherJob[0]
      Cannot register global elements...
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.Jobs.MqttConnectionJob[0]
      MQTT client successfully connected to MQTT broker ''
info: SomfyProtexialIO.StateCache.Jobs.AlarmConnectionJob[0]
      Connected !
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Jobs.MqttPublisherJob[0]
      Global elements are not registered, now registering them...
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Jobs.MqttPublisherJob[0]
      Element 'global-status / Doors/Windows' successfully registered
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Jobs.MqttPublisherJob[0]
      Element 'global-status / Box' successfully registered
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Jobs.MqttPublisherJob[0]
      Element 'global-status / Alarm (all)' successfully registered
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Jobs.MqttPublisherJob[0]
      Element 'global-status / Alarm (A)' successfully registered
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Jobs.MqttPublisherJob[0]
      Element 'global-status / Alarm (B)' successfully registered
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Jobs.MqttPublisherJob[0]
      Element 'global-status / Alarm (C)' successfully registered
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Jobs.MqttPublisherJob[0]
      Element 'global-status / Alarm trigered' successfully registered
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Jobs.MqttPublisherJob[0]
      Element 'global-status / Battery' successfully registered
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Jobs.MqttPublisherJob[0]
      Element 'global-status / Communication' successfully registered
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Jobs.MqttPublisherJob[0]
      Element 'global-status / Gsm Signal' successfully registered
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Jobs.MqttPublisherJob[0]
      Element 'global-status / Gsm Signal (DBM)' successfully registered
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Jobs.MqttPublisherJob[0]
      Element 'global-status / Gsm OK' successfully registered
info: SomfyProtexialIO.Gateway.PlugIns.HomeAssistant.Jobs.MqttPublisherJob[0]

Hi @Thomas_Gregg,

Great news ! :slight_smile:

Yes, logs are more readable, it just remains warnings about MQTT => I’ll work on this for a future release.

As far as I see you logs, (only) global status elements are well registered to Home Assistant :

  • you can check that MQTT topics (not showed in logs) are available with a third party tool
  • you should see them in your Home Assistant (at least when adding a card and searching switch or binary sensor), but I’m not sure they are added automatically
  • do you have 1 device named “Protexial IO” (if you have several “Protexial IO” devices, it may be caused by previous version of addon) ? (configuration > devices)
  • if yes, do you have 4 alarm switches showed in device’s details ?
  • Do you have entities if you filter them with “somfy” keyword ? (configuration > entities)

On my Hassio, I have 12 binary sensors available for global status :

  • Somfy - Global - Alarm (A) / binary_sensor.somfy_global_alarm_a
  • Somfy - Global - Alarm (all) / binary_sensor.somfy_global_alarm
  • Somfy - Global - Alarm (B) / binary_sensor.somfy_global_alarm_b
  • Somfy - Global - Alarm © / binary_sensor.somfy_global_alarm_c
  • Somfy - Global - Alarm trigered / binary_sensor.somfy_global_alarm_trigered => I’ll fix typo in next version !
  • Somfy - Global - Battery / binary_sensor.somfy_global_battery
  • Somfy - Global - Box / binary_sensor.somfy_global_box
  • Somfy - Global - Communication / binary_sensor.somfy_global_communication
  • Somfy - Global - Doors/Windows / binary_sensor.somfy_global_doors_windows
  • Somfy - Global - Gsm OK / binary_sensor.somfy_global_gsm_ok
  • Somfy - Global - Gsm Signal / sensor.somfy_global_gsm_signal
  • Somfy - Global - Gsm Signal (DBM) / sensor.somfy_global_gsm_signal_dbm

And 4 switches available :

  • Alarm (A) / switch.alarm_a => somfy prefix missing => I’ll fix this in next release
  • Alarm (all) / switch.alarm_all
  • Alarm (B) / switch.alarm_b
  • Alarm © / switch.alarm_c

:warning: I don’t see any element in the logs, did you checked they still appear in the proxy’s REST API ?
There may be a problem with “language: de” setting ?


“Proxy” and “Gateway” add-ons were updated today.

Now Hassio devices are created, according to Somfy elements/devices.

Their is new options to customize Hassio entities (WIP)

@isaste, sorry but if you update the add-ons, you may have duplicated elements.



Yes, the update was applied as I ticked the Auto Update in your Docker
and yes it seems I have some duplicate elements as below for Alarm A
Which is the correct one to use ?

I @isaste, sorry for this, you have to keep entities named like :

  • switch.somfy_*
  • binary_sensors.somfy_*
  • sensors.somfy_*

They are properly attached to “Somfy Protexial IO *” devices now (one for global status entities, and one per Somfy element)

I didn’t have time to create full documentation yet, I’ll do this next week.

I also keep in mind the compatibility with Alarm card, @Thomas_Gregg is also interested (me too :wink:)

If I understood well, I can so delete the devices called ‘Protexial IO’ below and keep all with name 'Somfy protexial Io*)
Correct ?

Yes absolutely @isaste, I should have precised it before.

“Protexial IO” devices were badly created on the first versions of the add-on.

On my Hassio, I even had entities not linked to device.

Now all is fixed !

Hi Florian
What’s that new option ? Could you explain ?

Hi @isaste, documentation was very poor for the moment

Gateway 0.4.1 version have improved documentation :slight_smile:

You’ll find in it more informations about new options.

Here are they :

  MqttDiscoverPrefix: homeassistant
  EntitiesMqttPrefix: somfy_
  EntitiesMqttSuffix: ''
  EntitiesNamePrefix: 'Somfy - '
  EntitiesNameSuffix: ''
  ExposeGlobalStatus: 'true'
  ExposeElements: 'true'

Instead of having hard coded labels and MQTT prefix/suffix, you can overload them in the configuration.

You can also specify MQTT discovery prefix, if you have one different than “homeassistant”.

Also, you can choose to expose (or not) global status entities, and elements entities.

Don’t hesitate to ask me more informations if needed.

@isaste, @Thomas_Gregg,

0.5.0 release is here, providing MQTT Alarm Control Panel support.

For now, alarm can be armed and disarmed from UI with MQTT Alarm Control Panel support.

Next release will take in count physical alarm arming/disarming and feedback to


Hello Florian

Incredible Job, thanks a lot for your involvment there
I updated to 0.5.0 but then I’m not really clear how to use MQTT Alarm Control Panel and link it to your proxy ? Do you have any guidelines to share ?

Cool! I got it working.

There are some typos in the documentation with regards to “” and ,. My config is as follows and works fine.


  - platform: mqtt
    name: Somfy Protexial IO
    code: '1234'
    state_topic: "homeassistant/spiog/state"
    command_topic: "homeassistant/spiog/command"

Additional (new) Gateway config:

  MqttDiscoverPrefix: homeassistant
  EntitiesMqttPrefix: somfy_
  EntitiesMqttSuffix: ''
  EntitiesNamePrefix: 'Somfy - '
  EntitiesNameSuffix: ''
  ExposeGlobalStatus: 'true'
  ExposeElements: 'true'
  EnableMqttAlarmControlPanel: true
  MqttAlarmControlPanelState: homeassistant/spiog/state
  MqttAlarmControlPanelCommand: homeassistant/spiog/command

Especially the last 3 lines here. All looks good without any errors in the UI or somewhere else. Didn’t try yet if arming / disarming works as I dont’ want to wake up anybody anymore :slight_smile: