Sonoff Fail After Re-Install Mosquitto

In my case, it was because I did not fix the error with my HA directly, but it took a few weeks and during that time we used the buttons on the Sonoff modules.
When I then fixed to HA, not all Sonoff modules would sync with HA.
Everything went well as long as all modules had contact with HA but unfortunately I got into interference that caused them to lose contact.

This unfortunately happens in the middle of the night with the result that when the modules got in touch, interpret it as if someone pressed the button on them and simply lit the light!

My son who has a Touch Module in his room did not get too happy when it constantly lit the ceiling lamp in the middle of the night!

In any case, the solution for me was to go through the sequence I referred to again.

After that we can sleep well without the light lit in the middle of the night!