Sonoff iFan03 ESPHOME install - getting started

I am trying to install some Sonoff iFan03s with ESPHome. I have installed other devices but can’t figure out how to get the iFan03 to start the install.
I have the code from:
mysmarthome/ESPHome configs/Sonoff-iFAN03 at main · sliwma/mysmarthome · GitHub
the code starts:

  name: "ifan03"
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp8285
    - ifan03.h

I have wired the Grd, VCC, R > TX , TX > RX wires and on 3.3v.
When I try to install with my FT232RL USB to TTL Serial Converter, I press the white button as GPIO 0 (on the ifan03) down while plugging in the usb and waiting till the ESPHome install prompt say it is starting the install. But I get the error:

“Configuration does not match the platform of the connected device. Expected an ESP32 device.”

I have also tried not pressing but get the expected message:

“Failed to initialize. Try resetting your device or holding the BOOT button while selecting your serial port until it starts preparing the installation.”

Does anyone now the procedure to install the iFAn03?

Also a secondary thought is do I need to pair the RF remote before I do the ESPHome install?

It’s been a few months since I’ve done it but it sounds like the procedure you used is correct.

But your board config is wrong.

I used this these posts as the basis for my iFan03 config:

I would (and did) before you re-flash them. You likely can do it after as well but I know I paired mine first and then flashed them with Tasmota at first then later with ESPHome using the posts above and it worked fine.

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