"Sonoff iHost" (smart home hub/computer) from ITead - Can it be hacked to run Home Assistant OS with Bluetooth, Thread/Matter, and ZHA integrations?

journalctl -b0 > kernel.log
-sh: can’t create kernel.log: Read-only file system

save it to /tmp instead then
journalctl -b0 > /tmp/kernel.log

or you could mount a usb and save the log file there.

I think you are right. I’ve bought second iHost for my parrents and wifi works on HAOS aut of the box.
The ewelink guys say that they are preparing some widget wich will be running on stock firmwre and thanks to it you can check components. They say it’ll be ready within 2 months.

Additional info:
I have also noticed that second iHost Zigbee radio woks as it should. Coverage at least 3 times better then on the old one - similar to dongle E (I’m using it with old iHost).
There are also no problem with bluetooth like I have on first iHost.

I must say they sold CRAP at the begenning. Their stock firmware is still CRAP but I expected that the hardware will be made with due care.

I can’t really explain why the initial pre-order batch seem to have issues with wifi, as far as I can tell nothing has changed hardware wise, so unless they got a dodgy batch of chips in that first run perhaps.

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Yes. Two of the very first iHosts. No WiFi. Newer model has working WiFi.

hi. i think my ihost is brick.
it have been working for a month off sdcard extreme, when suddenly it hang last 2 week.

i reinstall fresh hoas on the same sdcard, it run for about 2 days the it just hang.

i reinstall fresh hoas again on that sd but nothing works

i disconnect the wire that soldered to that 2 pin hoping it will run original ihost rom, it dosent work

then i tried to write the hoas rom to ihost emmc, it also doesn’t work.

sdcard still ok because i write it with balena etcher and rufus many time. it still work.

the only option i think i have now is using rockchip formatting tool but my notebook do not detect the maskrom. driver already install from the link i got in this from whom using linux distribution on ihost.

any advice i can get before i throw this ihost to the bin. and get myself rasberry pi5.

Connect to the debug console on USB-C port and get logs :wink: Could it be that the ethernet has stopped working?

this I have had multiple reports of, not sure why it wont boot after.

Checkout Odroid M1S also, I’ve just added support for this board to official HAOS and is available in 12.0rc1 :wink:

i also suspecting ethernet not working. already tried changing cable.

ok will try usb c debug

I am aware of a bunch of reports of failed hardware now, particularly seeming to effect the early units from pre-order. Sonoff have been good with warranty replacements in these cases though.

i noticed rasberry pi 5 having better spec than m1s. ( at glance i think so) but m1s more expensive.

Yes pi 5 has slightly better specs, but you wont notice any difference at all in performance in HAOS vs M1s. Certainly for a Linux Desktop OS, pi 5 would likely be a bit faster though.

M1S is actually slightly cheaper than pi5, but includes 64GB eMMC and onboard M.2 slot, Also includes case and power supply. So all up ends up quite a lot cheaper than pi 5+accessories!

Synced with upstream HAOS. New release is available.


Looks like I’m one of the “lucky” guys who received a unit with faulty ethernet. My ihost just stoped working, I already contacted Sonoff support, but decided to try one last thing:

…and I’m really surprised that it worked out of the box! No config necessary, the system recognized the USB ethernet adapter and configured it automatically. Now my Home Assistant is back online!

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Well, this kind of work, but Supervisor is having a weird behavior. I noticed CPU usage is ramping up to 80% all the time (usually it will stay around 6-10% when idle). The system eventually freezes and turn off randomly.

I plugged in to my PC and via USB terminal, I noticed NetworkManager is eating up the CPU. I suspect it keeps trying to manage the onboard eth0. So I tried doing this:

nmcli dev set eth0 managed no

This seem to fix it, CPU usage drops bellow normal load immediately. The problem is, if I restart the device, The problem is back.

My question is, How can I disable the onboard interface permanently so NetworkManager won’t go crazy again?

Custom profiles can be loaded on startup from this directory

See the network manager docs for details on how to profiles.

I tried following this suggestion to add a custom config under


but the file gets lost once I restart the system. I’m guessing HomeAssistant OS doesn’t like anyone messing around with the SO config files?

Anyway, I found another solution using nmcli. I hope this can be useful to other people.

  1. Use nmcli con to list the connection names, in my case the connection configured to the onboard ethernet port (eth0) was named as Wired connection 1. It can also be something like Supervisor eth0.

  2. Edit the connection:

nmcli con edit 'Wired connection 1'
  1. Use set to change these properties:
nmcli> set connection.autoconnect no
nmcli> set ipv4.method disabled
nmcli> set ipv6.method disabled
  1. Then save, and reboot the system.
nmcli> save persistent
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on HAOS only this folder is mounted as overlay (so changes will persist)


Probably the nmcli commands you ran, saved to there also. You may need to be host debug shell to see contents of this folder also.

I see iHost from pre-sale is a perfect product :joy:. WiFi never worked and yesterday ethernet stopped working. What a CRAP. Guarantee ends in a few days and after reading their site I do not have a clue how to file a complaint. They write about some RMA autorization but I don’t know what is it, how to get it and where to send the product. Any ideas?
If I fail, I only have @fabiano_aa solution.

Hi Fabiano! I had this problem with 2 ihosts in a row. I’m glad you found an alternative so I don’t throw them away. How do you access the terminal to generate these commands on ihost?

its not limited to only pre-sales devices, but certainly higher failure rate on the pre-sale ones.