Sonoff NSPanel by ITead - Smart Scene Wall Switch based on ESP32 and custom Nextion Touch Screen Panel Display (non-Pro variant)

I hope that Jobraun has sorted out your issues. Enjoy

Hi @hiscorebob (or anyone else who might know)

  • The USB-To-Serial adapter would be set to 5V (instead of 3.3V) in this case because we’re connecting to the 5V on the board, correct?
  • Does the USB-To-Serial adapter TX go to the “TF-RX” or “TF-TX” on the panel? I ask because typically for flashing the USB-To-Serial adapter’s TX & RX are reversed to the board’s RX & TX
  • Is nspanel_us.HMI or nspanel_us.tft uploaded?

Scratch, I came to the conclusion that the answers are, yes (5V), TX goes to TF-TX, and nspanel_us.tft

Hi @Blackymas, when you get a chance can you take a peek at Issue #539 that I’ve created in your NSPanel_HA_Blueprint repo regarding difficulty I’ve explained in detail trying to flash your nspanel_us.tft?

1 Like


I have a problem with a line on screensaver.

In version (3.8) there was text ON/OFF, now in version 4.05 there is a message error_tnf.

I would like to have the ON/OFF text there again. What do I need to change?


nspanel-obyvak: #OBÝVACÍ POKOJ
  module: nspanel-lovelace-ui
  class: NsPanelLovelaceUIManager
    panelRecvTopic: "tele/NSPObyvak/RESULT"
    panelSendTopic: "cmnd/NSPObyvak/CustomSend"
    model: eu
    sleepTimeout: 20
    #sleepBrightness: 10
      - time: "4:00:00"
        value: 5
      - time: "9:00:00"
        value: 10
      - time: "18:00:00"
        value: 5
      - time: "22:00:00"
        value: 4
      - time: "0:00:00"
        value: 0
    locale: "cs_CZ"
    dateFormatBabel: "E d. MMM yyyy"
#    dateFormatBabel: "medium" # only used if babel python package is installed
        - entity: sensor.nspobyvak_analog_temperature1
          color: '{{iif(states("switch.rozdelovac_1_np_l2")=="on", "[238, 28, 36]", "[245, 130, 37]")}}'
          icon: mdi:thermometer
        - entity: binary_sensor.chod_elektrokotel
          name: "KOTEL"
            "on": mdi:alpha-k-box-outline
            "off": mdi:checkbox-blank-off-outline
            "on": [4,184,94]
            "off": [150,150,120]
        - entity: binary_sensor.nizky_tarif_kotel
          name: "HDO"
            "on": mdi:home-clock
            "off": mdi:home-clock-outline
            "on": [4,184,94]
            "off": [150,150,120]
        - entity: sensor.bojler_temperature
          name: "BOJLER"
          icon: mdi:thermometer
          color: >
            {% if int(states("sensor.bojler_temperature")) > 45 %}
            [238, 28, 36]
            {% elif int(states("sensor.bojler_temperature")) > 35 %}
            [89, 47, 146]
            {% elif int(states("sensor.bojler_temperature")) > 5 %}
            [4, 101, 179]
            {% endif %}
        - entity: switch.cerpadlo_cirkulace
          name: "CIRK"
            "on": mdi:water-sync
            "off": mdi:water-sync
            "on": [4,184,94]
            "off": [150,150,120]

Hello everybody :slight_smile:

I just made my home assistant on proxmox.
Already bought NSPanel eu version.
Configured MQTT, appdaemon for few times installing and uninstaling every addons few times.
Trying to start ns panel but all the time Waiting For Content.
Flashing one more time tasmota on nspanel…
Started restarted deamon tasmota few times. nothing

Never ending story.
Something went wrong and im tired of this :slight_smile:

Everything from link is done :slight_smile: : FAQ - NsPanel Lovelace UI Docs

 Add-on: AppDaemon
 Python Apps and Dashboard using AppDaemon 4.x for Home Assistant
 Add-on version: 0.11.0
 You are running the latest version of this add-on.
 System: Home Assistant OS 9.5  (amd64 / qemux86-64)
 Home Assistant Core: 2023.4.1
 Home Assistant Supervisor: 2023.04.0
 Please, share the above information when looking for help
 or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums or the Discord chat.
s6-rc: info: service base-addon-banner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service base-addon-log-level: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service base-addon-log-level successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-appdaemon: starting
Looking in links:
Collecting babel
  Downloading Babel-2.12.1-py3-none-any.whl (10.1 MB)
     ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 10.1/10.1 MB 24.2 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Installing collected packages: babel
Successfully installed babel-2.12.1
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:
s6-rc: info: service init-appdaemon successfully started
s6-rc: info: service appdaemon: starting
s6-rc: info: service appdaemon successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
[19:41:31] INFO: Starting AppDaemon...
2023-04-08 19:41:36.197137 INFO AppDaemon: AppDaemon Version 4.2.1 starting
2023-04-08 19:41:36.197558 INFO AppDaemon: Python version is 3.10.9
2023-04-08 19:41:36.198027 INFO AppDaemon: Configuration read from: /config/appdaemon/appdaemon.yaml
2023-04-08 19:41:36.198453 INFO AppDaemon: Added log: AppDaemon
2023-04-08 19:41:36.198903 INFO AppDaemon: Added log: Error
2023-04-08 19:41:36.199334 INFO AppDaemon: Added log: Access
2023-04-08 19:41:36.199803 INFO AppDaemon: Added log: Diag
2023-04-08 19:41:36.366207 INFO AppDaemon: Loading Plugin HASS using class HassPlugin from module hassplugin
2023-04-08 19:41:36.588981 INFO HASS: HASS Plugin Initializing
2023-04-08 19:41:36.589403 INFO HASS: HASS Plugin initialization complete
2023-04-08 19:41:36.590439 INFO AppDaemon: Initializing HTTP
2023-04-08 19:41:36.591202 INFO AppDaemon: Using 'ws' for event stream
2023-04-08 19:41:36.597026 INFO AppDaemon: Starting API
2023-04-08 19:41:36.601676 INFO AppDaemon: Starting Admin Interface
2023-04-08 19:41:36.602546 INFO AppDaemon: Starting Dashboards
2023-04-08 19:41:36.624974 INFO HASS: Connected to Home Assistant 2023.4.1
2023-04-08 19:41:36.678687 INFO AppDaemon: App 'nspanel-1' added
2023-04-08 19:41:36.680745 INFO AppDaemon: Found 1 total apps
2023-04-08 19:41:36.682130 INFO AppDaemon: Starting Apps with 1 workers and 1 pins
2023-04-08 19:41:36.684504 INFO AppDaemon: Running on port 5050
2023-04-08 19:41:36.726614 INFO HASS: Evaluating startup conditions
2023-04-08 19:41:36.741704 INFO HASS: Startup condition met: hass state=RUNNING
2023-04-08 19:41:36.742449 INFO HASS: All startup conditions met
2023-04-08 19:41:36.761755 INFO AppDaemon: Got initial state from namespace default
2023-04-08 19:41:38.695110 INFO AppDaemon: Scheduler running in realtime
2023-04-08 19:41:38.700404 INFO AppDaemon: Adding /config/appdaemon/apps to module import path
2023-04-08 19:41:38.701326 INFO AppDaemon: Adding /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui to module import path
2023-04-08 19:41:38.702413 INFO AppDaemon: Adding /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend to module import path
2023-04-08 19:41:38.703292 INFO AppDaemon: Adding /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/translations to module import path
2023-04-08 19:41:38.704231 INFO AppDaemon: Adding /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/translations/frontend to module import path
2023-04-08 19:41:38.705210 INFO AppDaemon: Adding /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/translations/backend to module import path
2023-04-08 19:41:38.723735 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/ - ignoring
2023-04-08 19:41:38.725762 INFO AppDaemon: Loading App Module: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/
2023-04-08 19:41:38.935715 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring
2023-04-08 19:41:38.937558 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring
2023-04-08 19:41:38.939464 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring
2023-04-08 19:41:38.941319 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring
2023-04-08 19:41:38.943212 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring
2023-04-08 19:41:38.945034 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring
2023-04-08 19:41:38.946978 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring
2023-04-08 19:41:38.948708 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring
2023-04-08 19:41:38.950647 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring
2023-04-08 19:41:38.952325 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring
2023-04-08 19:41:38.954056 WARNING AppDaemon: No app description found for: /config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/luibackend/ - ignoring
2023-04-08 19:41:38.955685 INFO AppDaemon: Initializing app nspanel-1 using class NsPanelLovelaceUIManager from module nspanel-lovelace-ui
2023-04-08 19:41:39.047799 INFO nspanel-1: Starting
2023-04-08 19:41:39.049308 WARNING AppDaemon: Unknown Plugin Configuration in get_plugin_api()
2023-04-08 19:41:39.052598 INFO nspanel-1: Input config: {'panelRecvTopic': 'tele/nspanel_1/RESULT', 'panelSendTopic': 'cmnd/nspanel_1/CustomSend', 'model': 'eu', 'locale': 'pl_PL', 'updateMode': 'auto-notify', 'sleepTimeout': 20, 'screensaver': {'entity': 'weather.dom', 'theme': {'autoWeather': True}}, 'cards': [{'type': 'cardGrid', 'title': 'Przyciski', 'entities': [{'entity': 'sensor.nspanell_analog_temperature1'}, {'entity': 'sensor.ikea_air_sensor_vindriktning_pm2_5', 'name': 'PM2,5'}, {'entity': 'script.spotify_ladypank', 'icon': 'mdi:spotify', 'color': [0, 255, 0]}, {'entity': 'switch.swiatloprzytelewizorze', 'name': 'Swiatlo Telewizor', 'color': {'on': [255, 255, 0], 'off': [80, 80, 80]}, 'icon': 'sofa-single'}, {'entity': 'switch.swiatlonadstolem', 'name': 'Swiatło nad Stołem', 'icon': {'on': 'ceiling-light-multiple', 'off': 'ceiling-light-multiple'}, 'color': {'on': [255, 255, 0], 'off': [80, 80, 80]}}, {'entity': 'switch.kuchnia_ledy_local', 'name': 'Kuchnia', 'icon': 'mdi:lightbulb-fluorescent-tube-outline'}]}, {'type': 'cardMedia', 'entity': 'media_player.kuchnia'}, {'type': 'cardAlarm', 'title': 'Alarm', 'entity': 'alarm_control_panel.alarm'}, {'type': 'cardQR', 'title': 'Zeskanuj do WiFi', 'qrCode': 'WIFI:S:Home_Wro_Love;T:WPA;P:Wroclaw_123456789;;', 'entities': [{'entity': 'iText.Home_Wro_Love', 'name': 'Nazwa sieci', 'icon': 'mdi:wifi'}, {'entity': 'iText.Wroclaw_123456789', 'name': 'Hasło', 'icon': 'mdi:key'}]}]}
2023-04-08 19:41:39.054884 INFO nspanel-1: Loaded config: {'panelRecvTopic': 'tele/nspanel_1/RESULT', 'panelSendTopic': 'cmnd/nspanel_1/CustomSend', 'updateMode': 'auto-notify', 'model': 'eu', 'sleepTimeout': 20, 'sleepBrightness': 20, 'screenBrightness': 100, 'defaultBackgroundColor': 'ha-dark', 'sleepTracking': None, 'sleepTrackingZones': ['not_home', 'off'], 'sleepOverride': None, 'locale': 'pl_PL', 'timeFormat': '%H:%M', 'dateFormatBabel': 'full', 'dateAdditionalTemplate': '', 'timeAdditionalTemplate': '', 'dateFormat': '%A, %d. %B %Y', 'cards': [{'type': 'cardGrid', 'title': 'Przyciski', 'entities': [{'entity': 'sensor.nspanell_analog_temperature1'}, {'entity': 'sensor.ikea_air_sensor_vindriktning_pm2_5', 'name': 'PM2,5'}, {'entity': 'script.spotify_ladypank', 'icon': 'mdi:spotify', 'color': [0, 255, 0]}, {'entity': 'switch.swiatloprzytelewizorze', 'name': 'Swiatlo Telewizor', 'color': {'on': [255, 255, 0], 'off': [80, 80, 80]}, 'icon': 'sofa-single'}, {'entity': 'switch.swiatlonadstolem', 'name': 'Swiatło nad Stołem', 'icon': {'on': 'ceiling-light-multiple', 'off': 'ceiling-light-multiple'}, 'color': {'on': [255, 255, 0], 'off': [80, 80, 80]}}, {'entity': 'switch.kuchnia_ledy_local', 'name': 'Kuchnia', 'icon': 'mdi:lightbulb-fluorescent-tube-outline'}]}, {'type': 'cardMedia', 'entity': 'media_player.kuchnia'}, {'type': 'cardAlarm', 'title': 'Alarm', 'entity': 'alarm_control_panel.alarm'}, {'type': 'cardQR', 'title': 'Zeskanuj do WiFi', 'qrCode': 'WIFI:S:Home_Wro_Love;T:WPA;P:Wroclaw_123456789;;', 'entities': [{'entity': 'iText.Home_Wro_Love', 'name': 'Nazwa sieci', 'icon': 'mdi:wifi'}, {'entity': 'iText.Wroclaw_123456789', 'name': 'Hasło', 'icon': 'mdi:key'}]}], 'screensaver': {'type': 'screensaver', 'entity': 'weather.dom', 'weatherUnit': 'celsius', 'forecastSkip': 0, 'weatherOverrideForecast1': None, 'weatherOverrideForecast2': None, 'weatherOverrideForecast3': None, 'weatherOverrideForecast4': None, 'doubleTapToUnlock': False, 'alternativeLayout': False, 'defaultCard': None, 'key': 'screensaver', 'theme': {'autoWeather': True}}, 'hiddenCards': []}
2023-04-08 19:41:39.057794 WARNING nspanel-1: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-08 19:41:39.058811 WARNING nspanel-1: Unexpected error running initialize() for nspanel-1
2023-04-08 19:41:39.059610 WARNING nspanel-1: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-08 19:41:39.061949 WARNING nspanel-1: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/appdaemon/", line 165, in initialize_app
    await utils.run_in_executor(self, init)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/appdaemon/", line 337, in run_in_executor
    response = future.result()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/", line 58, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/config/appdaemon/apps/nspanel-lovelace-ui/", line 25, in initialize
    apis.mqtt_api.mqtt_publish(topic_send.replace("CustomSend", "GetDriverVersion"), "x")
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'mqtt_publish'
2023-04-08 19:41:39.062487 WARNING nspanel-1: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-08 19:41:39.064907 INFO AppDaemon: App initialization complete

Can you help me?
Last hope in you.

Best Regards and happy Easter!


the identation of MQTT is wrong, it has to be on the same level HASS is

error_tnf is shown in case there is a translation missing for something, the tanslation that is choosen depends on the device class of the sensor

Thank you. I have changed the class of the sensor device. Now it’s OK.

I just setup the NSPanel Tasmota and Lovelace UI and successfully connected to HA with Appdaemon (both in Docker containers). Everything works well but there are some small “errors” on the screensaver I can’t resolve. Under the time and after the date a string saying “None” is printed? Has anyone had the same problem or an idea what I may have done wrong? Already changed locale to English and screensaver type to screensaver2 but the “None” strings stay.

  module: nspanel-lovelace-ui
  class: NsPanelLovelaceUIManager
    panelRecvTopic: "tele/tasmota_C4DDA4/RESULT"
    panelSendTopic: "cmnd/tasmota_C4DDA4/CustomSend"
    model: eu
    locale: "de_DE"
      type: screensaver
      entity: weather.casa_grubi

Found the reason myself after some further work: There seems to be a problem with the latest version of Appdaemon (4.4.1). I switched back to 4.2.3 and the display look just as it should!

Hi Don’t really want to go back - though would like to know if there are plans to fix this

1 Like

there is already a fix in appdaemon, but it needs to be released and then the HA plugin also needs to get a new release

easiest fix is to stick with the previous version, but you can edit the file within the appdaemon container aswell

1 Like

my panel stopped working in the past few weeks. Screensaver is working but nothing else(touchscreen is not responsive)

Appdaemon logs

r = await, json=data)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 508, in _request
    req = self._request_class(
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 305, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 364, in update_host
    raise InvalidURL(url)
aiohttp.client_exceptions.InvalidURL: /api/template
2023-04-16 09:23:00.586906 ERROR HASS: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-16 09:23:00.599671 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: time~09:23   ?AM~None
2023-04-16 09:24:00.579192 ERROR HASS: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-16 09:24:00.580991 ERROR HASS: Unexpected error during call_plugin_service()
2023-04-16 09:24:00.582822 ERROR HASS: Service: default.template.render Arguments: {'template': ''}
2023-04-16 09:24:00.584586 ERROR HASS: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-16 09:24:00.587491 ERROR HASS: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/appdaemon/plugins/hass/", line 556, in call_plugin_service
    r = await, json=data)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 508, in _request
    req = self._request_class(
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 305, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 364, in update_host
    raise InvalidURL(url)
aiohttp.client_exceptions.InvalidURL: /api/template
2023-04-16 09:24:00.589053 ERROR HASS: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-16 09:24:00.609959 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: time~09:24   ?AM~None
2023-04-16 09:25:00.572494 ERROR HASS: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-16 09:25:00.574057 ERROR HASS: Unexpected error during call_plugin_service()
2023-04-16 09:25:00.575553 ERROR HASS: Service: default.template.render Arguments: {'template': ''}
2023-04-16 09:25:00.576815 ERROR HASS: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-16 09:25:00.579237 ERROR HASS: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/appdaemon/plugins/hass/", line 556, in call_plugin_service
    r = await, json=data)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 508, in _request
    req = self._request_class(
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 305, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 364, in update_host
    raise InvalidURL(url)
aiohttp.client_exceptions.InvalidURL: /api/template
2023-04-16 09:25:00.580500 ERROR HASS: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-16 09:25:00.594183 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: time~09:25   ?AM~None
2023-04-16 09:25:15.815580 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: timeout~30
2023-04-16 09:25:15.876401 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: weatherUpdate~~~���~25375~Nanaimo Forecast~7.5��C~~~���~25375~Sun~11.0��C~~~���~25375~Mon~10.0��C~~~���~25375~Tue~10.0��C~~~���~25375~Wed~10.0��C
2023-04-16 09:25:15.887417 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: color~0~65535~55327~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535~65535
2023-04-16 09:25:15.895928 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: statusUpdate~~~~~~
2023-04-16 09:26:00.576254 ERROR HASS: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-16 09:26:00.578137 ERROR HASS: Unexpected error during call_plugin_service()
2023-04-16 09:26:00.579901 ERROR HASS: Service: default.template.render Arguments: {'template': ''}
2023-04-16 09:26:00.581527 ERROR HASS: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-16 09:26:00.585119 ERROR HASS: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/appdaemon/plugins/hass/", line 556, in call_plugin_service
    r = await, json=data)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 508, in _request
    req = self._request_class(
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 305, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 364, in update_host
    raise InvalidURL(url)
aiohttp.client_exceptions.InvalidURL: /api/template
2023-04-16 09:26:00.587255 ERROR HASS: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-16 09:26:00.603273 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: time~09:26   ?AM~None
2023-04-16 09:27:00.560614 ERROR HASS: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-16 09:27:00.561523 ERROR HASS: Unexpected error during call_plugin_service()
2023-04-16 09:27:00.562339 ERROR HASS: Service: default.template.render Arguments: {'template': ''}
2023-04-16 09:27:00.563279 ERROR HASS: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-16 09:27:00.565037 ERROR HASS: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/appdaemon/plugins/hass/", line 556, in call_plugin_service
    r = await, json=data)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 508, in _request
    req = self._request_class(
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 305, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 364, in update_host
    raise InvalidURL(url)
aiohttp.client_exceptions.InvalidURL: /api/template
2023-04-16 09:27:00.565872 ERROR HASS: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-16 09:27:00.577451 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: time~09:27   ?AM~None
2023-04-16 09:28:00.571592 ERROR HASS: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-16 09:28:00.573374 ERROR HASS: Unexpected error during call_plugin_service()
2023-04-16 09:28:00.575173 ERROR HASS: Service: default.template.render Arguments: {'template': ''}
2023-04-16 09:28:00.576772 ERROR HASS: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-16 09:28:00.579630 ERROR HASS: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/appdaemon/plugins/hass/", line 556, in call_plugin_service
    r = await, json=data)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 508, in _request
    req = self._request_class(
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 305, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 364, in update_host
    raise InvalidURL(url)
aiohttp.client_exceptions.InvalidURL: /api/template
2023-04-16 09:28:00.581280 ERROR HASS: ------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-16 09:28:00.596713 INFO nspanel-1: Sending MQTT Message: time~09:28   ?AM~None

lots of invalid URL kinda stuff.

any suggestions



*After Appdaemon update it seems to be working again.

Any chance your able to share the stock firmware my back up is corrupt wild be greatly appreciated kind sir

Do you manage the way to do the restore for the stock firmware?

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Thanks JoBr99 another release as always appreciated.
I am finding the new light GUI is very unstable, I will try and add a picture to GitHub tomorrow. I cannot say I can easily adjust the lights by walking up to the panel as the sensitivity feels wrong and the hold line appears to move.

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my experience is similar

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