Sonoff NSPanel Pro Home Assistant crashes at connecting

Hello, I have installed Home assistant on my NSPanel Pro using Mark Watt tech’s instruction on Youtube. All looked fine.
But the last step is crashing. When trying to connect the Home Assistant Companion the app crashes as can be seen in the picture.

anybody have an idea to solve this ?

That address is missing a valid domain (.local or whatever).
Check the correct url from Settings > Network > Home Assistant URL, otherwise just find the IP of your HA server from your router (if you don’t know it) and enter the IP address & port Manually eg.

Hello ShadowFist,
I have also tried using http://IP-address:8123, but this gives the same error.

Have a read through this thread.

I skimmed through it briefly & you either need to disable hardware acceleration or update we view.

I finaly found the solution. In Mark Watt Tech’s instruction it is stated that a new “Android System WebView” should be installed and selected.
When I undo this selection (keep the default webview selected like in the picture) the Home Assistant app starts fine. Clearing the webview app data (as stated in some solutions on the web) didn’t help