Sonoff POW / Sonoff-MQTT-OTA-Arduino

thanks for the reply… appreciate it… can you please give me an example… i tried to read the help files but i think i created a monster with no legs :slight_smile: it doesn’t work. I know that I have to create some groups.yaml file but i’m stuck… please help.

read this

should look some like this

Garage:  # < Place holder
    name: Garage  #< Its display name and its ID
    control: hidden # < hide the group switch ( so you can trun the hole group on off
    entities:   # < a list of thing you want to show in the group 
      - sensor.washing_power
      - switch.something
      - light.some_light

if you want to flash Tasmota, is there any difference between the POW and the POW R2?

also is calibration needed?

yes you have to do some calbration if you want to read correct readings

look “Sonoff Pow, Sonoff S31 and Pzem004T”

but if you like me I just use it to tell me if the washing machine is running. I just read what what it tells me