Sonoff RF Bridge - Tasmota with Portisch firmware - RF Doorbell - Sort of working

Hi, I have an RF Bridge with Tasmota and Portisch formware.
On the RF Bridge console, I use rfraw 177 I then press my doorbell, and I get two different rfraw data back (but everytime I press the doorbell, I see to get slightly different codes back), anyhow, I convert those B1 codes to B0 codes using the online method, then on the terminal I paste:

rfraw AA B0 1D 03 08 01EA 03CA 0BAE 280909181818181809180909090909091818091809 55;rfraw AA B0 1D 03 08 01CC 03B6 0C08 280909181818181809180909090909091818091809 55;rfraw 177

This sometimes rings my doorbell, sometimes not.
So, I have a couple of questions:

  1. am I doing something wrong, as it only sometimes rings the doorbell using this command?
  2. In Hassio, how can I trigger something when the doorbell button is pressed?

Kind regards.

I use the code that appears after pressing the bell on rfraw 166, it’s more reliable. I don’t convert the code, it’s not necessary. Just use the rfraw 166 code in an automation (i made a sensor)

Hi Alex, sorry to ask, but could you give me a working example please, Im new to this.

Hmm, I just tried rfraw 166, pressed the doorbell button, but it didn’t detect anything.

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Doorbell"
    state_topic: "tele/sonoffrf/RESULT"
    value_template: '{{ value_json["RfRaw"]["Data"].split()[8] }}'

sonoffrf (state_topic) is my mqtt sonoff rf bridge topic, that can be different for you. If rfraw 166 does not work, maybe you can open an issue at Portisch github. With rfraw 177 i got it to work, but the outcome was different so automation was complex (because i put al the different outcome in it)

I had this topic: Topic


This is excellent, thank you, I got it working, so when the doorbell button is pushed, I can control ‘other stuff’, tested, working. Now working on Alexa TTS (alexa_media_player), so can announce around the house, ‘Ding Dong, there is someone at the door’, or something.
Thanks again.

Your welcome, glad I could help. For me it took days to discover how it works :wink:

By the way, one addition, you need to add a line to the sensor: ‘expire_after: 3’ This means that when you ring the doorbeel, the code will come up in the sensor and disappears after (in my case) 3 seconds. If you don’t add this, the code will stay there and when you ring again there is no new code so no trigger.

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Doorbell"
    state_topic: "tele/sonoffrf/RESULT"
    value_template: '{{ value_json["RfRaw"]["Data"].split()[8] }}'
    expire_after: 3

Thansk for the more tips, works most times, almost there, but…
My RF codes sometimes change slightly, but the section i’ve split always ends with an 1809. So my question is, how do I also include in the split, 'only use the last 4 digits of that section, for example:

Here is an example of my variations:
A B1 03 01B8 03AC 0BF4 280909181818181809180909090909091818091809 55
AA B1 03 01B8 03AC 0BF4 380929181818181809180909090909091818091809 55

Kind regards.

OK, after a bit of fiddling, I found the answer:

value_template: '{{ value_json["RfRaw"]["Data"].split()[6][-4:] }}'

Turns this:
AA B1 03 01B8 03AC 0BF4 380929181818181809180909090909091818091809 55

Into This:

BUT… I just discoverd that sometimes I get this for example:
AA B1 05 01D6 03AC 00F0 0096 09CE 480909291818181809180909090909090B2818091809 55

So would need to use [8] instead of [6], but I have also seen a [7] required. :frowning:
After studying many many door bell presses, the only common factor I can see is ‘18090’ buried in the middle of the long number… But how am I going to detect that each time?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry, don’t know. My outcome became more stable after using different Portisch firmware, check here.


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Haha, I just flashed mine with that same version in your previous comment, and voila!! Now RFRAW 166 consistently sniffs the same codes when ringing my doorbell, which makes this integration very simple, thank you so much.
Next this is trying to work in my Boiler RF control (Worcester DT10RF), but the RF Bridge doesn’t detect anything with either RFRAW 166 or 177.