Sonoff s26- energy monitoring capable?

Hey guys- title says it all. Im eyeing off the sonoff s26 AU ( but i cant seem to get confirmation anywhere if they do energy usage reporting.

Has anyone here got them and can confirm?

I have a handful of the sonoff basic’s and they DONT have this capability.

Thanks guys!

Considering this, which is just beautiful, and ticks all my boxes, but its a little pricey:

Z-wave not wifi but im cool with that)

i have a couple and no they don’t have energy monitoring capability unfortunately.

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These have energy monitoring and are flashable over the air with Tuyaconvert:

They are available in singles or two packs as well. The 4 pack goes on sale regularly.

There’s an esphome file for it here:

There is also a Tasmota template in the Tasmota wiki if you prefer that (esphome is better IMHO).

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Thanks everyone! Nailed the answers so quickly. I ended up buying the aeotech z-wave one this AM - $72 AUD delivered. Pricey, but i figure this can be my “polished” roving one around the house when im curious about power draw. The small profile, changing LED color per power draw amount, and USB power ourlet out the side justified the purchase. Ill keep an eye out on the kogan ones though also for the cheap and cheerful more perm ones. How much is sale price ? (Showing about $70AUD for 4 now - which is already pretty good!).

Thanks again guys