Sonoff SNZB-02D does not report temperature changes to HA

Same here, reporting only initial value on 2023.10.5 HA version, on a newly bought snzb-02d. So your recent updates are not why it is not working, it is just crap equipment.

i bought a number of snzb-02 on black friday deal as they were a really good price… i already have 4 Aqara Temp/Humidity sensors and they work great but i couldnt get data from the sonoff devices, so boxed them up and requested a return with amazon and just purchased 3 more aqara Temp sensors isntead as i know they work great.

I have one since february, that one works normally ever since.
Recently bought two more, but these do not report data normally.
one of the new sensors and the old one are next to each other, one reports data as it changes, the other only reports rarely, and inaccurately
the model and the fw-version is the same for all (at least as reported by zb2mqtt)

Case solved by setting up the reporting parameters with the zigbee2mqtt frontend (web UI)
Many error toaster rise during the setup, but the process works fine eventually
I also made the reports from the 02(not D) devices rarer to spare battery

now all devices report by the same schedule

I also have big trouble with my 8 SONOFF SNZB-02D. In average two of these eight per day stop reporting values and need repairing with removing battery, restarting Z2M and all this stuff. And problems got this bad when I switched from ZHA to Z2M. Using ZHA I had very few problems, maybe once per 2-3 months.

Using both Z2M and ZHA with one coordinator isn’t supported, right?

try to adjust the report interval using z2m’s web frontend!
solved te case for me

@heidricha I’m having the very same issue, unfortunately as newbie I fail to understand the mentioned solution.
Maybe you’d have a reference to understand “how setting up the reporting parameters with the zigbee2mqtt frontend (web UI)?”

using a USB 2.0 hub that uses an external power supply my issue was fixed!

I managed to change reporting interval to 30/300/20 for three of my eight devices for now. Changing the reporting interval needs MANY attempts to be successful and only worked after fresh restart of z2m and “a bunch of luck”.
All this smells like a lot of bugs hidden in firmware and/or z2m.

My experience August 2024. RPi-4.

I started with three SNZB-02D sensors and had a lot of issues with data collection, using ZHA. I had the earlier Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 Dongle-P as a co-ordinator.

Adding the devices to HA resulted in:-
one providing temperature and humidity data.
one providing temperature only.
one providing humidity only.

Numerous resets, battery installs, deleting and re-adding devices, with the sensors within 1metre of the Dongle, resulted in all three providing temperature and humidity but update time rather flakey.

I was keen to use these T&H sensors, so decided to change the Sonoff zigbee dongle from the earlier -P type to the new -E type.

Added each device again, located within 1m of the new dongle.

It made a significant improvement on data stability.
LQI’s jumped from around 100 to nearer the 200 mark. (When moved back to their original locations).

Eventually added four more, which seems to have gone well…
I’m getting what I consider to be an acceptable update rate.

I flashed the original zigbee dongle with repeater software.
But that’s another story!

All battery powered devices goes to deep sleep mode for most of the time to save battery juice. Sensor is awake for brief moment just to send data and only during this time you can send config to it. Have you tried to wake sensor up before sending new config? Wake the sensor up by pushing a pairing button for a moment just before sending config via zigbee2mqtt gui.

I also have those sensors, and for me, setting up the reporting configuration in Z2M fixed the issue. I believe the problem occurs because the SNZB-02D sends data with one decimal place precision, unlike the SNZB-02, which uses two decimal places. Adjusting the value difference threshold that triggers data transmission helped resolve the issue in my case.

IMO it’s a home assistant issue not a Sonoff issue, hence deleting the sensor and re-adding it fixes it. Always been the same for me for last 3 years. Just had to do 2 of mine today, first time in 3 months following a restart of HA

Clearly HA is getting the readings else they wouldnt suddenly work once device is deleted and re-added

I suspect this is a database issue and deleting the sensor removes it from the db and creates a new entry with new ID. Leaving the device configured and re-pairing it without deleting it first rarely fixes it. But deleting the device and re-pairing it with the same name usually does.

I wouldn’t hold your breath on a fix, it’s just part of the HA experience.

My eight snzb-02d devices are (were) running quite stable for several days… until the weekly automatic reboot of my home assistant system last night. Two of the devices didn’t report after the reboot (showing constant values for temperature and humidity and a “last seen” value before the reboot).

What is interesting: I could heal the problem for both devices by a manual “refresh” of temperature and humidity in the z2m device details.


Since that manual refresh both devices are reporting regularly ever few minutes again.

So this may be a problem in z2m? Or at least a possibility to workaround a device problem by an automatic refresh triggered in z2m?

Hmm - have just got into Zigbee to MQTT using a Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 Dongle-P as a co-ordinator (as reports I read seemed to say it had slightly better compatibility than the E one). I paired a few of these Sonoff SNZB-02Ds along with a Thirdreality presence sensor and a Moes door sensor. The latter two devices work flawlessly, despite being further away and having worse signal strength!

However the 02Ds have been pretty poor - initially reporting regularly but then a day later I noticed most of them weren’t updating or if doing so then only very intermittently.

Looking at the reporting settings they should be doing it every 5 min (if no significant change):

They sometimes do for a bit but then just stop for hours at a time:

The different sensors seem to have stopped at different times and other devices are OK so I’m guessing it’s more of a firmware issue on the 02Ds themselves. Is it worth persevering with them or have folks found the simple Aqara sensors more reliable? (I’m still in the easy return window with Amazon for the 02Ds)

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I have had the same observation with HA 2024.12, upgrading to 2025.01.2 reduced the issue from affecting 6 to now 2 devices. I replaced already one of the affected devices purchased in July 2023 under warranty.
What version of Z-Stack is flashed on Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 Dongle-P as a co-ordinator ? I upgraded that to latest version too

Yep, I’m running 2025.1.2 for HA.

Zigbee2MQTT is showing “Coordinator type zStack3x0 and Coordinator revision
20210708” - I’m guessing there’s a newer version available but the only guides I found online for updating it seemed to be quite involved but I guess perhaps worth looking into?

My version is Firmware: Z-Stack 20240710
it was a simple flash

Yep, that’s what I’m running now (I found a helpful guide in the Sonoffs Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus Firmware - #61 by bartkummel thread).

On the positive side the reported LQIs have all improved, so that’s great. Unfortunately when it comes to readings it’s still not working correctly - as you can see over the past 24h or so it goes for long periods just not reporting anything, longest from 08:14 to 13:03 despite the settings as above and it clearly being wrong at 12:41 (see photo below).

My understanding is that my reporting settings mean it should report 0.5C temp changes and minimum report every 30 min. It seemed to correctly do this from 01:13 to 02:44 but the went back to going hours between updates.

Any tips welcomed or perhaps I just need to return these and go for Aqara if there’s a known issue with them?

It will report every 30min if set so but unless it is actually a change vs the last recorded state, HA by default does not show a measurement at that point (unless you run it with force_update: true and even then the history tab defaults to last_changed, not last_updated).

I agree the jump at 13:XX is suspicious though.

I’ve been using a SNZB 02d for two weeks now, so far it seems solid. I am undecided if I will get more of them, get more MHO-C401 or switch to Xiaomi ATC 3 (BT only) - all have pros and cons.

FWIW, the lone SNZB 02p on the balcony seems to be doing ok, too.

Thanks, @buz. Yep - I could see it not putting a measurement in but thought it would still show a more recent time for the last updated bit on the entity:

As you say there was a big jump in temp that it didn’t seem to log.

Guess I’ll get an Aqara one and see what it’s like - if it works well then will just return these. It’s a shame as they look quite smart and I like the little kickstand on them!

It does do that for me (but I do run it on Z2M with force_update!). I literally watched it a minute ago.

    friendly_name: Sensor-TempHumidity
    temperature_precision: 1
      force_update: true

If you want a kickstand and display, there’s always Third Reality. Have not tried them yet, though.

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