Sonoff USB 3.0 coordinator to router link doesn't seem to happen

Hello all,

HA newbie here. I’m having a little trouble trying to get my Sonoff USB 3.0 Coordinator to link with a Sonoff USB 3.0 router.

I’ve attached the visualization chart above. I was able to add the Sonoff USB 3.0 router, and it comes up on the device list. I don’t see a connection happening between the coordinator and the router. I also don’t see any of the devices that are a little too far away from my coordinator connecting to the router.

I’m not sure what I am doing wrong here. Can someone kindly point me in the right direction?

Remove all the battery powered devices. Pair the routers first - note the plural, you need a lot more - then add the end devices. A Zigbee network is made up of routers (plural again) - end devices don’t contribute anything to the mesh. :grin:

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Thanks for the quick reply.

I want to just double check, pairing the router to the coordinator just requires that I add a device under the Zigbee Home Automation integration window correct? IE, if it pops up under device list this is the correct way to do it?

You go to the device info page for the coordinator and click on “Add devices via this device”.


Then put the new device in pairing mode and ZHA will find it (it can take a few seconds).


If it’s a brand new device it will normally go into pairing mode as soon as it’s powered up.

This is just for the original pairing - Zigbee devices change their connections all the time. When you’re pairing a battery powered device you can go through the same steps as above, but use a router instead of the coordinator. The network will adjust itself afterwards.

In a network that’s working well, only a few devices will connect directly with the coordinator, the rest follow devious paths through routers.

I’m struggling to get it paired. I deleted everything, added the coordinator, then from the coordination click add devices via this device. It detects the router, adds the router. However, under the visualization there is still no “link” between the coordinator and router. When I click on the router, under device info, it doesn’t say connected via coordinator like in the screenshot you provided above.

However, if I pull up the serial console for the router. I can see that it is on the correct channel id: 15, and is displaying a PANID that matches the one listed on my coordinator. Does this mean they are connected?

Don’t put TOO much stock in the visualization right after you pair a device. It usually takes a bit of time for routes to establish themselves within the mesh. I usually give it at least 2-3 hours for routes to be established.

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Derp. I just assume because it shows up so quickly with the door sensors that it could be trusted.

Ok I’ll go around adding door sensors with the new router and see if I run into the same issue with some door sensors being intermittent with HA. I guess this might be the only way to know if my network is being extended.

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Eh, a much better indicator is if the devices are responding to commands quickly and consistently. Only if they aren’t should you start using the visualization tool and looking at your LQI. Zigbee meshes are complicated and some devices will pick a better parent than what you want them to. Basically, the mesh and the controller are smarter than we are [usually].

Ok the refresh topology button does wonders!!

Now to see how far I can get this to extend.

Thanks everyone.

Are you talking about physical distance?


I’ve got 12 rooms I need in this mesh. Trying to figure out how many of the Sonoff routers I need to use. I’ve got two more coming from overseas, and I’m starting to get the sense I’ll need more.

I’d not worry so much about the number of rooms, but the number of devices you want to have and plan it out that way. The rule of thumb I’ve always used in my mesh is 1 routing device for ever 5-7 end devices. Granted, most routers can handle up to 20 children (generically speaking), but I like to have a lot of coverage just in case.

Well, you haven’t got a mesh at all at the moment. :grin:

How many routers you need will depend entirely on the layout and structure of your home. Zigbee signals are very weak (by design - this is what allows you to have small battery-powered sensors); they don’t go far, they don’t pass through walls well and they’re easily swamped by interference.

It’s not a question of linking A to B - that’s wi-fi thinking - there have to be many different possible pathways so that the routers can select the best one for each message.

You need to start by building a mains-powered network that covers all 12 rooms. When that’s solid, you can think about adding battery-powered sensor devices. I would be thinking in terms of 40-50 mains-powered routing devices.

There’s no ideal ratio between devices and routers. The best scenario is one where every light and eveny wall socket in the building is a router, with a few additional dedicated devices like your Sonoff. If it’s any use as an example, my house has small rooms and a thick wall across the middle which used to be an exterior wall. Getting past that old wall into the newer part of the building is quite tricky. I have three or four routers in every room (one room has nine) and more on the stairs between floors.

Lots of good advice here:


Got 3 routers up, and 1 coordinator going. Might need to add one more router for the last two doors but I haven’t tried to put sensors on them yet.

Thanks for all the help.