Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus wierdness

I am trying to use a Sonoff Zigbee 3.0.USB Dongle Plus on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ running Home Assistant but the configuration does not seem to be anything like shown or described on YouTube videos, tutorials, or the Sonoff site. After plugging in the dongle, Notifications says that there are new devices discovered.

Selecting Configuration - Devices & Services - Integrations

Several integrations are shown including one for the dongle, but it is shown as “Z-Wave JS”. Selecting configure on this requests that I Enter the Z-Wave JS add-on configuration including S0 Key (Legacy, S2 Access Control Key, S2 Authentication Key, and S2 Unauthenticated Key.

I have tried this on two installations, one on a Pi3 B+ installed as Home Assistant Operating System, the other on a Raspberry Pi 2 installed as Home Assistant Supervised, and have tried both with and without Sonoff eWeLink installed but nothing gets me any further.
Picture below of expected discovery, actual and configuration.

Any advice and guidance would be greatly - nay, desperately appreciated.


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It is indeed self-discovered incorrectly as a z-wave device. Well it is actually an issue with the dongle itself reporting incorrectly (and I believe - but could be wrong - that Sonoff has fixed this in their latest FW).

Anyway, it is not a big issue. Just ignore the discovery (literally click that ignore button) and manually install and configure the ZHA integration. I had the same happen to me, but the dongle works perfectly, you just have to set it up manually (Configuration → Devices & services → Add Integration → search for ZHA and follow the config flow).


Thank you tjafbe. That worked splendidly and I now have my first working device on my home automation setup - very cool indeed :sunglasses:

Not quite. It is indeed an issue with the dongle itself reporting incorrectly, but if you got shipped an early version of the dongle then the fix should be to write the new custom description of its CP2102 firmware for the USB-to-Serial Bridge chip, (and not just a simple firmware upgrade of the dongl CC2652P chip).

So while new Home Assistant 2022.2 release note mention USB discover of Sonoff Zigbee Dongle Plus, adding automatic USB auto-discovery in ZHA if USB dongle has unique custom product description…

…, this only applies to newer batches of shipped dongles as initial batches are missing ID in CP2102N.

ITead have posted a script/program that should let users themselves update the product description on already shipped dongles to supposedly match the description already written to latest batch of dongles:

Tested it myself on a Windows 10 computer and it did not work for me (it closed without any messages).

So sad that ITead did not release a script tool based on this open-source cp210x-program by VCTLabs:

FYI, there is more information about how the automatic USB discovery feature works discussed here: