This do not seem to be working for me. Same error.
However I have not changed my SSL since I use the DuckDNS add-on, where you only get a token. This can not be used with the Nginx Proxy Manager (as far as I can see)
This is no longer a Sonos or a TTS issue. This is a DuckDNS/Nginx/HTTP configuration issue. My suggestion is to read some of the changes and specifically breaking changes of the past few major versions of HA (ie 2021.6, 2021.7, 2021.8) and if you run HA Supervised or HAOS, the supervisor and HAOS changes as well.
I have given up on TTS. Instead I have recorded my own MP3 announcements using the website - excellent range of languages and accents. If you save the files somewhere in the Sonos Music Library and make them Sonos favourites you can simply play them by filename.
Edit: The restore part of the automation above will not work if you are playing a playlist - the sonos.snapshot service does not capture playlist details. Instead you might try:
Very strange. I don’t use Nginx and I don’t have any 400 bad request errors. Everything else works fine - is anyone else just using Duckdns and having this problem with Sonos TTS?
Same problem here. After installing DuckDNS sonos stop working for playing any mp3 behind my
I’m start thinking that this can be a problem with router nat loopback, where it recognize that the domain is inside your network and change the public ip for the private one to avoid going outside.
This for sure will cause https handshake domain validation to fail.
I will try to find that option in my router and check with wireshark also.
what i found out last night. is that if you are able to have a HTTP webaddress for local, and https for external access, it works.
today i will have more findings.
if you follow @Perka82 reply it will work. for me it didnt because when i try to create an new SSL it fails… I believe because of the Port forwarding on the router. But try it . thats what made me realize the issue for me.
But today i have my IT guy come in and Help me. After my findings, ill explain it all in my own way. I am not a Tec Guy. im just a normal guy trying to survive in this tec world
You can find the Hassio internal ip-range by looking into the Supervisor - Multicast logging.
example: mdns-repeater (6): dev hassio addr mask net
@mdok@droopycool you need to install Nginx addon to get a reverse proxy in front of your HA. This will do that yo can work with http inside the LAN (Sonos works ok) and https from outside.
I have configured my duckdns as extenal and internal ip as internal in the http config yaml and it’s working good.
Have obviously tried putting in the nuba casa address in the config yaml, Have not tried any port forwarding yet, but isn’t that the point of paying for the nabu casa cloud?
use_x_forwarded_for: true
For me the tts or playing an mp3 track is still not working.
I also use duckdns with Let's encrypt. My HA is installled on an Odroid.
I have an Intel NUC with Webserver (Port 80 and 443 forwared) where my various websites run.
If I wanted to install the Nginx reverse proxy I would have to install it on the Intel NUC rather than on the HA Odroid? Correct.