

i’m a totally new with home assistant. I have some switches automated and that works quite well.

Now I want to integrate my Bose Box into the system (

This works to turn on and off, now I would like to use the preset’s so I added the config as follows:


  • platform: soundtouch
    port: 8090
    name: Soundtouch elke

  • service: media_player.play_media
    entity_id: media_player.soundtouch_elke
    media_content_id: 1…6
    media_content_type: PLAYLIST

Now I get the following error message:

Testing configuration at / config
ERROR: homeassistant.util.yaml: while parsing a block mapping
in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 1, column 1
expected , but found ‘-’
in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 87, column 1
ERROR: homeassistant.bootstrap: Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: while parsing a block mapping
in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 1, column 1
expected , but found ‘-’
in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 87, column 1
Failed config
General Errors:
- Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: while parsing a block mapping
in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 1, column 1
expected , but found ‘-’
in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 87, column 1

Does anyone have a tip for me?

I also tried out all the scripts from: Bose SoundTouch which made me even more desperate.

Thank you and sorry for my bad english.


I use Home Assistant

on a raspberry pi
Hass. io

Markus, you need to create an input number to select the preset and an automation to control the bose. See below link:

remove this:
service: media_player.play_media
entity_id: media_player.soundtouch_elke
media_content_id: 1…6
media_content_type: PLAYLIST

Thank you very much.

This works fine.

Can I now connect this Input Selector to the soundtouch Widget ?

Best regard from Germany


Markus, if you refer to the HA media component, answer unfortunately is no.
Just create a group and add the input select and the media component

Thank you

I will do this so.

Good thread, and Juan - your script works great.
Any idea how to switch input to “AUX”?

Sorry to bring all this up again but I am struggling with this one. I cannot get preset selection to work on any of my bose soundtouch systems. I think I have tried just about every suggestion and script I can find. Does anyone have a definitive solution that works and would be willing to help me? At this point I have moved all configs except for the auto discovery of my soundtouch systems so I can see them and turn them on/off, skip songs or adjust volume, all part of the discovery service. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Try this thread

Hi ! my Bose presets don’t work :frowning:
This is my configuration.yaml :

#Bose Soundtouch
  - platform: soundtouch
    port: 8090
    name: Bose Soundtouch

    name: Chaînes
    initial: 1
    min: 1
    max: 6
    step: 1
    mode: slider
    unit_of_measurement: step

and this is my automations.yaml :

- id: bose_memory_presets
  alias: Bose memory presets
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_number.soundtouch
  - service: media_player.play_media
      entity_id: >
        {% if trigger.entity_id == "input_number.soundtouch" %} media_player.soundtouch {% endif %}
      media_content_id: '{{ trigger.to_state.state | int }}'
      media_content_type: 'music'
  - service: media_player.volume_set
      entity_id: media_player.soundtouch
      volume_level: 0.2

what’s wrong with my config ? I can’t change my presets on Lovelace.

Hey, I’am using Bose Soundtouch too. I would recommend the great mini-media-player by @kalkih. It has a button option and you can simply assign the presets to a button and save all the hassle with the automation and the input_number. See:


Simply install mini-mediua-player with HACS and add this to your lovelace cards:

- artwork: full-cover-fit
  scroll_info: true
  name: Bose Küche
      - id: 1
        icon: 'mdi:numeric-1-box'
        name: Deepmix Moscow
        type: playlist
      - id: 2
        icon: 'mdi:numeric-2-box'
        name: Aufstehen
        type: playlist
      - id: 3
        icon: 'mdi:numeric-3-box'
        name: 'Beats, Beats!'
        type: playlist
      - id: 4
        icon: 'mdi:numeric-4-box'
        name: Sunday Soul
        type: playlist
      - id: 5
        icon: 'mdi:numeric-5-box'
        name: Mix der Woche
        type: playlist
      - id: 6
        icon: 'mdi:numeric-6-box'
        name: Autobahn bei Nacht
        type: playlist
  entity: media_player.soundtouch_kuche
  group: true
  icon: 'mdi:speaker-wireless'
    source: false
  type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
1 Like

Thanks it’s work fine

Hi Juan,

I copy the code and I have this error:

duplicated mapping key at line 31, column -553:

line 31 is automation:

Just confirming you didn’t include this text
" ```

i have only 1 bose

is there a option to play favorites which is now added to the Soundtouch App.

Hi. Welcome to the forums.

Please do not necropost with a basically unrelated question. Open a new thread.

its not necropost. its a new function added to soundtouch speakers. Do we keep raising tread for every query?

Hey, you are right. Presets and Favorites are two different stories. Presets can easily be played. There is an example in the integration docs. I would be interested in this feature too.