Space issue with HAOS on Proxmox 8

thanks for the info, I was hoping that it could be done with some command, just as I was able to fix the databases thanks to the HA forum (forum ). Unfortunately, in Proxmox I can’t give HA more space, so I can’t do that, I can’t change the size of Local-lvm (although I asked about it on the proxmox forum, that procedure is beyond my experience)
i found sqlite VACUUM command this is like repacking in HA?

If you have the space on the disk, then it is easy in Proxmox to add a bit more to the VM.

Just remember that the value you in the next window is the space you want to add and not the space you want as a total for the VM.
Just restart the HA host and not just the core afterwards and HAOS will do the rest.

yes I know this, I increased it, but my local-lvm fills up,
I don’t have disk space, I have 80GB of free space on my local disk, but I can’t convert this disk space to local-lvm, I got advice on the proxmox forum, but that’s beyond my skills

Download your backups and then use the CLI to check if there are backup files in the backup directory that have not been marked as a backup. If they are there, then delete them manually.
Hopefully this can make it possible to repack your database and the backups can be uploaded again afterwards if need be.

so unfortunately, database repack failed, proxmox almost ran out of space on the local-lvm disk

I’ll try to make a backup, create a virtual machine on the laptop, start ha os there, restore from the backup, repack the database and return the databases :-), I can’t think of anything else :slight_smile: