Well, I’ll try, but need to figure out how to make it… My full dashboard code is +35k characters, while forum allors for 32k characters post only… Perhaps I’ll need to think of Git to share the code.
EDIT: ok, so I created a new gists with necessary files:
dashboard.yaml contains full code for this dashboard and themes.yaml theme I used (I frequently refer in my config to custom color palette thefined in this file).
Some watchouts:
dashboard contains 2 variants based on mediaquery result; one for PC screen and one for mobile. Both varies by layout of grid.
there are some conditional cards for router bandwith monitoring. If main link is up then WAN and VPN cards are displayed. If link goes down and router switches to LTE backup, then corresponding LTE card is displayted instead.
obviously there is plenty custom sensors specific to my home network HW…
I have been trying to exactly this and it’s actually much simpler because Thomas Loven states in the docs:
The grid layout accepts any option starting with grid- that works for a Grid Container as well as grid , place-items and place-content . The layout options margin , padding and height also apply as for column based layouts.