Speedtest.net integration alternative

Official Speedtest.net integration has been broken, from time to time, either from speedtest-cli or Home Assistant changes. There is an alternative in running a separate Docker of Speedtest Tracker (not affiliated) as it includes an API (available at /api/speedtest/latest) and importing the results in Home Assistant are fairly easy:

Example of API results: {“message”:“ok”,“data”:{“id”:123456789,“ping”:9.467,“download”:1880.9072,“upload”:817.7248,“server_id”:123456789,“server_host”:“speedtest.xxx.xx:8080”,“server_name”:“XXXXXXXXXXX”,“url”:“https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789”,“scheduled”:true,“failed”:false,“created_at”:“2024-01-23T08:00:20.000000Z”,“updated_at”:“2024-01-23T08:00:20.000000Z”}}

As the Speedtest requires a fair amount of computing power, running it on a separate machine can be useful in cases where the Home Assistant instance runs on a low performance hardware (Raspberry Pi, low power NUCs, etc.) or when a multi-gigabit network card is a available to a server grade machine but not to Home Assistant.

- platform: rest
  name: Download Speed
  value_template: "{{ value_json['data']['download'] }}"
  unit_of_measurement: Mbps
  unique_id: '0100000000001'
- platform: rest
  name: Upload Speed
  value_template: "{{ value_json['data']['upload'] }}"
  unit_of_measurement: Mbps
  unique_id: '0100000000002'
- platform: rest
  name: Ping
  value_template: "{{ value_json['data']['ping'] }}"
  unit_of_measurement: ms
  unique_id: '0100000000003'

If planning to share the results, or view them at a later time, an URL sensor can be imported.

- platform: rest
  name: URL
  value_template: "{{ value_json['data']['url'] }}"
  unique_id: '0100000000004'

Also, remainder of API values (server_id, server_host, server_name, scheduled, failed, created_at, updated_at) can be useful for serving additional sensors.

Home Assistant card:


Speedtest Tracker card:


Hello i added the sensor configuration into my home assistant configuration yaml but after restart i cannot found the sensors… what is wrong ?
may uou share the card code too ?

Logs? Where are they?

Below is the code for the card.

To be sure I understood your problem: you are not using the official speedtest integration in Home Assistant; instead, you are using the Speedtest Tracker on a separate machine with REST manual sensors, right?

  - cards:
      - cards:
          - align: split
              border-radius: 5px
            columns: 1
              - entity: sensor.ping
            entity_row: true
            max: 100
            padding: 4px
            show_icon: true
            title_position: inside
            type: custom:bar-card
        type: horizontal-stack
    type: horizontal-stack
  - cards:
      - color_thresholds:
          - color: red
            value: 0
          - color: yellow
            value: 1500
          - color: green
            value: 1800
          - sensor.download_speed
        font_size: 70
        height: 70
        hours_to_show: 24
        icon: mdi:download
        line_width: 2
        name: Download
        points_per_hour: 1
          extrema: true
          fill: true
        type: custom:mini-graph-card
      - color_thresholds:
          - color: red
            value: 0
          - color: yellow
            value: 600
          - color: green
            value: 800
          - sensor.upload_speed
        font_size: 70
        height: 70
        hours_to_show: 24
        icon: mdi:upload
        line_width: 2
        name: Upload
        points_per_hour: 1
          extrema: true
          fill: true
        type: custom:mini-graph-card
    type: horizontal-stack
type: vertical-stack
  width: 10
  max_cols: 10

Thank you so much… all ok now

Nice. I recently moved to the alexjustesen version of SpeedTest and wanted to remove the HA one as it was always inconsistent + was duplicated load on the internet.

Your code did the trick to import the API data into HA.
Added the code to sensors.yaml and I’m getting proper numbers now :slight_smile:

One thing to note for those that are looking to replace the HA integration SpeedTest Tracker is to put the new REST code in, but change the names to align with the HA integration names so that the sensor history remains available and any automations you may have will continue to trigger.


  name: Download Speed
  name: Upload Speed
  name: Ping


  name: Speedtest Download
  name: Speedtest Upload
  name: Speedtest Ping

Then remove the HA integrationn version and reboot.
It’ll swap them like a slight-of-had card trick and continue as if nothing has changed :slight_smile:

Integrated speedtest was waaaaay off before. Should be 900+

I didn’t have any automations enabled previously because SpeedTest integration was doing that automatically. What did you use to trigger these sensors to update periodically? I like the idea that Speedtest Tracker has a webhook that can be triggered each time it runs. Was going to look into using that but if anyone has suggestions of a good way to do this, please let me konw.

The docker image for Speedtest Tracker defaults to updating once per hour but it can be changed to other schedules in Admin Panel → General and you can use a cron generator to set it to own needs.

In a future release it’s planned to have a method of triggering the speedtest to run triggered from an external prompt like an HA trigger.

Externally triggering a speedtest is planned for the API feature release.
[Feature] Allow a SpeedTest to be triggered by external call · Issue #1447 · alexjustesen/speedtest-tracker · GitHub

Worth noting that there’s been an update with some breaking changes.
Notably that the cron/schedule has been moved to an environment variable and that an API key needs to be created (also an environment variable)

Get your APP_KEY: https://speedtest-tracker.dev/

Example docker changes/addition in docker CLI:

-e SPEEDTEST_SCHEDULE="0 * * * *" \
-e APP_KEY=base64:Th1515an4P1K3yJqzTdoiwPfpqnKnbIWnNZsOa2Yq7I= \

Is it possible to create a button in home assistant to run the the sepeedtest?

It is supposed to have an option to trigger an update in the next docker update (see 3 posts above)