Sports Standings and Scores

Note that if you manually update the .js file, you need to delete the .gz file (or, gzip your new .js). HACS prefers the .gz if it exists.

It was driving me CRAZYier :slight_smile:

No sweat. The next update will update both moving forward.

there was apparenty something wrong with the ha-teamtracker-card.js resource, after reinstalling it, it works now, thanks for the hint :+1:

also: if I leave home assistant on German Language, the cards not really work (sometimes they show, and sometimes not) but if I switch to english language, all works well.

This should also go to the Teamtracker thread linked above.

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I’ve posted there.

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If you step through this process posted starting here:

Sports Standings and Scores - #297 by gkron

You should be able to diagnose any issues with standings if you are getting no data.

Ok everything is working except the live tab. Doesn’t work for any sport. How can I troubleshoot?

Is there any game on? If not … “nothing” is live. The only game that would be in “Live” is the NFL football. No Hockey today, no NBA, no MLB.

Yeah NFL not working

So what is the state of the teamtracker seahawks sensor right now?

weird for Seattle it says not found but for 49ers it has data

Is it missing in your defined teamtracker entities? I think I recall long ago missing a team or two and seattle was one of them. You should have these:

- platform: teamtracker
  league_id: NFL
  team_id: SF
  name: "San Francisco 49ers"
- platform: teamtracker
  league_id: NFL
  team_id: SEA
  name: "Seattle Seahawks"

I think I see the issue. On Github I used “SE” as the team_id. It is SEA. Changing the code on Git now.


Ah. It’s in your sensor.yaml but its entered as “SE” instead of “SEA”. Needs to be updated on your github. I’ll test again tomorrow. Thanks!

Keep in mind that when you change that, Home Assistant is going to create sensor.seattle_seahawks_2 …

Absolute pain in the ass.

Best to delete it.
Restart HA
Put it back in with SEA
Restart HA

With all the NHL, NFL, MLB, NBA teams I was bound to get a few wrong!

Yep. I was able to delete the old one and rename the new one removing the _2

Good. The code that displays teamtracker stuff only displays the home teams so it eliminates the duplicates. SF was not home so it displayed nothing.

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This is the logfile I get for the template.yaml:

Have you thought about doing a fantasy sports dashboard? Can see many people finding that useful

The first line in template.yaml should be:


So the proper structure is:

     - name: NFL AFC East

The template: comes from the include, so just put sensor: at the top of the template.yaml file and be sure all indenting under that is correct.

At one time I looked into the JSONs for fantasy and they are very difficult, convoluted and tons of intomation (think every player in a 10 person NFL league is 15 (+IR) * 10 is 150 players alone.

Interesting. I guess I thought it would just be one big database call and then you could parse the info as you see fit as attributes within home assistant. That way all different league scoring categories could be covered and the user could do whatever they wanted.