Spotify integration op configuration.yaml and redirect url

I tried to install the spotify integration as on

Add a Redirect URI in one of the following forms:

  • If you are not using SSL: http://<your_home_assistant_url_or_local_ip>:<port>/auth/external/callback

This should be the direct url to put in the developers app. Too bad of course it is not correct. The site is telling:
If you receive an INVALID_CLIENT: Invalid redirect URI error while trying to authenticate with your Spotify account, make sure to check the Redirect URI in the address bar after adding the new integration. Compare this value with the Redirect URL defined in the Spotify Developer Portal.

Oh no no no: i tried that, it gives an ultra long url on the browser and its also not working:,user-read-playback-state,user-read-private

In the developers app what uri did you specify?
Try with http://192 168.1.199:8123/auth/external/callback

Also tried, but i just restarted and did it again, now its working, Unfortunately, not many more functions as the variant of the card from HACS. You will not see lists, you can only play something that is already running. I was actually looking for something in which I can fully control Spotify. Was for my old parents of almost 90 years old That they can choose a playlist and play via a screen. This does not have this option.

How about this?

FIXED!!! For everyone getting bad URI redirects, etc, this is what I just did after reading all of the articles on this.

First off - the main issue I found was that in my config.yaml, under homeassistant, I had the internal URL with an extension of /lovelace/standard/blah blah, instead of JUST http://myHAip:port/ That’s it!

Then for my spotify dev URI, follow the instructions and do http://localHAip:8123/auth/external/callback

Then the “configure” button actually works and auth’s your account.

Good stuff.