Spotify set up error

In the spotify dev dashboard you have to add a user (your name & mail) in the “add users” of your api.

  • edited -
    now i get:

Retrying setup: http status: 429, code:-1 - /v1/me/: Max Retries, reason: too many 429 error responses


same for me !

worked also for me so far

Thanks a ton for that @riotmode Indeed it was because I’d added the integration before adding the id/secret to my config. Simply deleting the integration and adding it again fixed the problem.


This lead me to a solution. It worked as soon as I swapped out the callback URL on the spotify dev app from the external url to my internal IP…

Not sure why that’d matter…since the external url worked fine when setting up directly via configuration.yaml previously.

I have the same problem about the authorization expired, but its only the case with one of the users. Incidentally its the user that has the Spotcast integration. Any idea why its doing that?

I can confirm the “Max Retries reached” issue when using Spotify premium family. I added two family member accounts to the main account which is also the developer account. I can add the two family accounts in home assistant and don’t see any error. But when I add the main family account I see the “Max Retries reached” error for that entity.


Same here. Cannot add the main family account

Add it to the list of things broke.

My solution was to remove anything 2022.02 and revert.
Insteon, Spotify and dozens of others things no longer function.

Can confirm this too.

Me too. Also on a family account

same here with a family account

I’ve had the main Spotify Family account (mine) setup for half a year now, and finally getting around to adding the other family members, but getting the error 429.
Though there is an odd twist.
My account had been in there no problem, and I added my daughter, get the 429 on hers.
Then I added my son’s account, and his gets the 429, but now my daughter’s account is connecting.

UPDATE: After a few reboots, all 3 family accounts now work more or less regularly. I do not get any more errors on the Integrations page, but in Lovelace, the cards for the second & third accounts will regularly grey out, and then come back (turn blue). (independently. ie, 2nd is greyed out now, but 3rd is blue)

I deleted and reinstalled after adding all the credentials and users and all. When trying to reinstall Spotify integration I just get “Aborted” in HA, after the Nabu Casa-page.

Me too

Retrying setup: http status: 429, code:-1 - /v1/me/: Max Retries, reason: too many 429 error responses

  1. I removed the integration, removed my credentials from configuration.yaml, deleted url from Spotify developer, Restart HA.

  2. Added credentials to configuration.yaml, added url to Spotify developer, restart HA

  3. Added Integration.

Create a Spotify application, or re-add the Redirect URI that you previously removed.


Add a user to the app (your Spotify account details)

Add the details given to you by the app to configuration.yaml (I used the File Editor add-on)

  client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID

  client_secret: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET

Add the Spotify integration via Home Assistant

Choose configuration.yaml when asked.

Make the entity Hidden instead of Disabled.

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I can confirm this is working!

My account is part of a family account (not the owner of the family account)

This doesn’t work for me and Spotify integration is still broken af

I get 500 error. Or 400 error. And if I try to reinstate it fails. Tried rebuilding the app on Spotify.

After updating from 2022.12.x to 2023.1.4 I started getting the “Max Retries Error” as well. No clue why, nothing has changed to my setup.