SpotifyPlus Integration

I finally got around to adding this. This will be implemented with the next release.

its behind shadow-root, i cant remove. im not a card_mod expert either :slight_smile:

FYI - just released a new version of the SpotifyPlus integration

Be sure to check out the SpotifyPlus Card Dashboard as well.

[ 1.0.71 ] - 2024/12/17

  • Added extra state attribute: sp_playing_type - object type of the currently playing item, or null if nothing is playing. If not null, it can be one of track, episode, ad or unknown. This allows you to detect when an advertisement is playing for Spotify Free accounts.
  • Bypassed logic in turn_on service for Spotify Free account to transfer playback and resume play. These were failing for Spotify Free accounts, since they require Premium account to execute.
  • Removed unsupported features for Spotify Free subscription: PAUSE, PLAY, PLAY_MEDIA, SELECT_SOURCE, VOLUME_MUTE, VOLUME_SET, VOLUME_STEP. These features require Spotify premium membership.
  • Replaced caught exception calls of raise HomeAssistantError with raise ServiceValidationError, which should reduce stack traces in the logs which are not necessary.
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Maybe I not noticed that… you add just action:
" * Added “Play All Track Favorites” action to the track favorites section actions. This will get a list of the tracks saved in the current Spotify user’s ‘Your Library’ and starts playing them, with shuffle enabled…"

I undesrtand that it will be button in card :slight_smile:

Anyway, I called this action… and I have only 20 tracks on queue… Did I miss some configuration option about allowed number of tracks?

action: spotifyplus.player_media_play_track_favorites
  entity_id: media_player.spotifyplus_mackbeth1
  device_id: MiBox
  limit_total: 825
  shuffle: false

I know that I have a loot favourities track…
but I got this:

I am sure there is some Spotify API limit to the number of tracks that you can specify to be played on one call, but they do not list it in their documentation for the Start / Resume Playback endpoint. I was able to play 145 tracks ok, which is what I have saved as favorites. My guess is the limit will be 200, but not for sure as they don’t document it.

I would suggest you resubmit the player_media_play_track_favorites service call while slowly increasing the limit_total value. For example, start with a value of 150, then try the call with 250, then 350, etc. until it fails. Let me know what the number is when it fails so that I can document the limitation.

The player queue will always only return up to 20 items, as that is what’s returned by the Spotify Get Queue endpoint. I believe the Spotify Desktop player only displays up to 50, but there are more in the queue.

When I play all track favourite in android App, queue is filled with 80 tracks - look like on one shot we have not longer queue.

For Play all tracks- I tested, looks like limiattion of track number played at onece is 780 tracks…
BTW… from user PoV it will be more easy to use, if you will just button: (Play all favorite tracks) directly in section, maybe next to refresh button? or below? because from user perspective for favorite I think you just want to listen all of them one by one or shuffled, but this is you favorite playlist which you want to just play :slight_smile:

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The limitation appears to be based on the maximum size of the web request itself, versus the number of entries. I say this, as the 780 number is kind of an odd figure. I will add a limitation of 750, which should give it a little bit of “wiggle room” in case track id lengths change in the future.

Thanks for trying those out, I appreciate it! Spotify should have provided a limitation in it’s API documentation.

As for the “Play All Favorite Tracks” button in the track favorites section, I cannot do that since all sections use a common class to generate the section view. That’s why it was placed in the actions dropdown on the track details view. I like the user-preset value approach, as it allows the user to control the shuffle setting as well.


Ok, I got limitations:) Aand I appreciate you work for community, finally I can listen music and control it via my wallscreen :smiley:
This card is what I was searching in past 2 years! :slight_smile:


for those who do not have google home as a player among their devices :slight_smile: this is my big limitation that holds me back. In my case the most effective music reproduction remains the spotify app on my phone unfortunately.