Sprinkler System - Melnor RainCloud

I would be interested in something similar for Netro Sprinkler. I didn’t find any solution for it.

Can you share the exact detail of the valves? I’m worried that, yeah, I can google, but looking for exactly what you have to replicate your results as closely as possible. I’d prefer a non-custom-wifi, local-polling replacement for Melnor, so I’m looking for things that are known to work as a stronger base of experimentation.

Is this integration broken for anyone else? Mine hasn’t worked since I had to send it to them to have them change the firmware.

I’ve taken over as the sole maintainer of this project. As it’s a web scraper I’ll be deprecating the official integration and moving to a customer_component going forward. You can find more details here Custom Component: Melnor Raincloud

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