Squeezebox Audio Alert Script

I installed the intergration and it saves the playlist, plays the notification but does not resume playing. I’m on the latest 8.2 lms nightly. What lms version do you use?
Great work btw!

I am using LMS 8.1.1
Try rescanning the media collection in LMS, I remember LMS not finding a playlist, but not sure when or why a ran into that problem anymore
Please go to:

The playlist is found but doese not play, its in pause until i hit the play button. Will try the rescan.

@floris-b nice work! Managed to get it working with tts. Only one thing, if there is music in the playlist but not playing before the announcement, following the tts announcement, it will start playing the music.

This is fixed in the latest update

Seem like @floris-b knows what he is doing (at least! :slight_smile:) a bit better then me, so i’m stopping work on my implementation and switching to that.