Ssh Connection refused

Add it then.

Howdy, folks.

I’ve been trying to configure a Razberry Zwave board (and also enable wifi), but the instructions require SSH access which brought me to this thread.

The ‘Terminal & SSH’ addon is installed, and it finally hit me that I needed to manually start the it from the button at the bottom right. I found the web SSH web utility, but I’m not a command line guy, so I have been having a hard time figuring out how to follow the instructions here:

I’m still unable to get to the next step. Can one of you help?


I am using

SSH & Web Terminal
Current version: 7.8.0

and I can’t login it via the Web Terminal. I have set a user and password, here is my config:

  username: ovi
  password: mysecretpass
  authorized_keys: []
  sftp: false
  compatibility_mode: false
  allow_agent_forwarding: false
  allow_remote_port_forwarding: false
  allow_tcp_forwarding: false
zsh: true
share_sessions: false
packages: []
init_commands: []

I then go to hassio dashboard, left menu select Terminal, type in login, my user name ovi then password and all I get is “login incorrect”

Any hints?

When I go to the terminal icon I am already logged in.

 _    _                                         _     _              _
| |  | |                          /\           (_)   | |            | |
| |__| | ___  _ __ ___   ___     /  \   ___ ___ _ ___| |_ __ _ _ __ | |_
|  __  |/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \   / /\ \ / __/ __| / __| __/ _` | '_ \| __|
| |  | | (_) | | | | | |  __/  / ____ \\__ \__ \ \__ \ || (_| | | | | |_
|_|  |_|\___/|_| |_| |_|\___| /_/    \_\___/___/_|___/\__\__,_|_| |_|\__|

Our command line:
$ ha help
➜  ~

that is right, but if I remember correctly there used to be a hint that you have to use the command “login” to drop to a shell?

Has that changed?

Actually, all I am after is to restart ffmpeg as described here:

If the ffmpeg process is broken, the sensor will be unavailable. To control the FFmpeg process of sensor, use the service ffmpeg.start, ffmpeg.stop, ffmpeg.restart.

and I can’t find any command to do that so I thought I’d look around via ssh

Only if you plug a monitor/keyboard into it or are trying to login/debug on port 22222…

ok, thanks. Any pointers then on how to restart ffmpeg service?

I am not sure what you mean by “restart the ffmpeg service” but try entering the homeassistant docker container.

docker exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash/

I don’t run hassio as docker.
What I mean is this:

Well you told us that you use addons. Therefore you are running HA in docker.

In addition that page tells you how to stop & start ffmpeg. It is even highlighted.

If I have given you wrong information its not on purpose but rather I am new to this. I first tried to get home assistant running via docker but was missing out on a lot of features I read about which seemed way easier by installing “Home Assistant OS” - so no, I am not running inside docker, I installed Home Assistant OS in a VM. Accordingly to the installation instructions given here:

Yes, I do use addons via supervisor (see screenshot below).

I tried following those instructions to restart ffmpeg by using the SSH & Web Terminal but am only getting this error:

zsh: command not found: ffmpeg.start

Home assistant operating system uses docker.

You activate a service via the developer tools menu, or in a script/automation not the commandline.

Thank you
@rct that sorted my issue, I thought I was going mad!

Not sure if my situation matches any of the above. Running ancient versions of things but they have worked well for a long time.

  • HA Core 89.1
  • OS 2.10
  • SSH Server Add-on 5.2
  • DuckDNS 1.11

Everything has been working fine for a long time both thru duckdns and locally, and thru SSH port 22… Had a long power outage today (12 hours) and after that:

  • ssh connections no longer work (says port 22, connection refused(
  • HA came up fine if I access it thru the local netowrk
  • the duckdns server access does not work, says no SSL certs.

Most interested in getting the SSH connection working again. SSH add-on config says port 22 and password all configured as usual. Any ideas where to look to debug this?

Additional info: Uninstalled SSH Server Add-on and tried to install Terminal& SSH addon. got error “Failed to install add-on, Unknown Error, see supervisor”