SSH keys - Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)

Noob in need of some help guys. I’m trying to connect through SSH on a Mac and continue to get the Permission denied (public) error. I’ve generated my key and I can’t seem to figure out the proper place to store it on the Mac so the Pi will see it when connecting. Any assistance is appreciated.

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same here…

When on Desktop click on the Go menu at the top of the Finder bar, scroll down to “Go To Folder…” in there type " ~/.ssh " (without quotations*). Hit enter. This is the folder where you need to save the file. Hope this helps!

Me three! Migrating from a “mature” venv install to

for later reference, after you set up your key like

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"

(see Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent - GitHub Docs for more info)
just type
ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/PUTYOURGENERATEDKEYHERE
in the terminal - that worked for me! :slight_smile:

Hello I still cannot get this working i am on a mac and use duck dns to connect to my instance
I have port forwarded port 22222
I run hass os on an rpi4
I get this:

this worked also for me!

until I’ve add the key to apple keychan the key was not used by ssh

to debug add -v to ssh command

ssh -v [email protected]

then check which identify files are used to connect.