State Attribute of Bluetooth Connection Not Working

I was able to get it working with old phone, but now on Android 14 I have to use different sensor in Companion app. sensor.myphone_bluetooth_connection. The attribute “paired_devices” has the state I need, which appears as bt:de:vi:ce:ma:ca:dd:re:ss (name of other bt device)

Just like that exactly. However, in the template tester in HA, if I do below, I get “[‘bt:de:vi:ce:ma:ca:dd:re:ss (name of other bt device)’]”

That is 3 additional characters on each end, but no matter what way I try it, it doesn’t work, but the same formula works for the attribute ‘icon’, which the result is 'mdi:bluetooth", so I know I am typing things right and it did work with previous sensor as mentioned.

“{{ state_attr(‘sensor.myphone_bluetooth_connection’, ‘paired_devices’) }}”

They’re not quite the same…

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Thanks, that worked.