State history graph flat-lining

Next Update : what really helped Was changing the sql engine from Innodb to MYISAM. From what I understand this Puts less load on the DB Server which is an odroid xu4 in my case. So it all seems to be related to the DB being… Not responsive enough or something like that. The Bad thing is that it is not recovering from DB issues without Reboot and removal of a Big chunk of the data.

With 108.0 problem disappeared

Problem is occurring, running 0.117.2…

I also get this for some reason.

I have had this occur for two reasons.
One time was due to drive space issues that I didn’t identify straight away.
The other I think was due to a sensor generating a value that locked up the db. I did some trial and error eliminating by only allowing a defined list of entities store data in the db. I started with only a few domains and eventually limited it to all domain except sensors and had glob filters on my sensors.
I never found exactly which one but it think it was one of my weather sensors.
The issue was fixed for me In a release about two months ago so I never figured it out.

Some other things to try are using the MariaDB with the myphpadmin addon. This will allow you to look at the db and see what the last entry was. This didn’t show the error for me but was somewhat useful.
I also created a random number generator template sensor and charged it to allow me to clearly see when my data had flatlined.

Hope something of this helps you figure out your issue.

Hi Everyone,
I have the same issue with all my graphs on all versions in 2021. I just updated to core-2021.3.4 but I don’t think it will be solved with an update.

Any update from anyoneon this?

Same here, since 3-4 days my graph are flat-lining at ~4:10 every night. Any idea ?

Mine are flat lining at random times. If I restart HA then all of that missing data magically shows up.

Does anyone have any ideas on why this is happening?
It looks like the DB (using the default DB) is not being updated in real time. If I restart HA core then all of the data shows up. Almost like it is cached in memory and not written to disk until HA is restarted.
Because the DB is not updated then the lovelace graphs are flatlined.

Hi Everyone, Since Home Assistant 2021.4.4, the problem seems to be gone… at least for the last days.

I had this problem start occurring with the temperature and humidity sensors on my Broadlink RM4 minis after upgrading HA OS to 2021.8.1. I am now on version 2021.11.2 and I’m still having issues with those sensors, plus it has spread to the graphs from my Z-Wave sensors! Originally I thought it must have been the Broadlink integration, but now I’m suspecting this whole recorder side to Home Assistant might have gotten screwed up somehow. :thinking: What I can’t figure out is why I started having this issue when everyone else that’s had a history with it now says it’s resolved?

I have the same problem with 2022.2.9. The solution is likely for Home Assistant programmers to learn how to program or for the community to fund someone to fix it.

The issue has existed for over three years. The hypothesis that the Home Assistant developers will magically fix it seems obviously false.

Whether they can’t or they won’t seems irrelevant.

It’s entirely possible that their default dependency SQLite is broken, but they still selected that dependency.

I will readily admit that I am a fool for trusting the HA developers’ lies.

They are still releasing new features when their old code doesn’t work yet.

I suddenyl got the same problem.
I am using

Version core-2022.7.5
Installation Type Home Assistant OS
Development false
Supervisor true
Docker true
User root
Virtual Environment false
Python Version 3.10.5
Operating System Family Linux
Operating System Version 5.15.45
CPU Architecture x86_64

Home Assistant Supervisor

Host Operating System Home Assistant OS 8.2
Update Channel stable
Supervisor Version supervisor-2022.07.0
Agent Version 1.2.1
Docker Version 20.10.14
Disk Total 58.4 GB
Disk Used 29.4 GB
Healthy true
Supported true
Board ova
Supervisor API ok
Version API ok
Installed Add-ons File editor (5.3.3), SSH & Web Terminal (11.0.1), Check Home Assistant configuration (3.11.0), Home Assistant Google Drive Backup (0.108.2), Log Viewer (0.14.0), MariaDB (2.5.0), Node-RED (12.0.2)


Oldest Run Start Time 4 July 2022 at 01:30
Current Run Start Time 17 July 2022 at 12:43
Estimated Database Size (MiB) 6431.50 MiB
Database Engine mysql
Database Version 10.6.8

Core Metrics

Processor Usage
2.9 %

Memory Usage
23.1 %

Supervisor Metrics

Processor Usage
0.5 %

Memory Usage
3.8 %

everything is running in Proxmox (on NVMe strorage), the VM host itself has enough resources.

It started just recently and two things MAY be related - I added a new sensor that updates its data every minute and mariadb was recently updated to the latest version.

Same problem here. Homeassistant graphs flatline and never recover.
I have most sensors connected via mqqt: some keep working others don’t
I will try to see if the sql file has a problem. Don’t know it others have tried that?

Since a few days I have this issues as well. Has anybody found a solution to fix it?
What is strange is that if I have only one entity show I get the flat-line, but as soon as I add another entity the values are shown correctly. This is also in the History visible.

Have the same problem. Any solution?

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