Static data disappear from grafana

Hi everyone, I have a problem with nodered / homassistant / grafana. From nodered I read data from modbus and I created a temperature sensor on home assistant. It works perfectly. The temperature of this sensor may never change. It is in fact a fixed parameter that I have to read and put in the graph of grafana. So I notice that the temperature entry is written in the home assistant only when it changes (I think to save space on the DB). In grafana this creates a problem. After some time the temperature disappears from the graph. To get it back I have to force a small change on the sensor and then put it back in place.
How can I make sure that grafana does not lose the historian?

For example. I created a siply flow in nodered that everey 1 minute push the value 0.5 to sensor “testValue” on home assistant.
The flow is running from many hours but in the database of states, only one record appear.
For grafana it’s a problem! after few hours loose the data!

Publish the message to mqtt, then make a mqtt sensor in HA. I don’t use it but I do know it worked with mqtt unless something changed.

I don’t like the idea of adding an extra software layer. Is there no alternative?

create a template sensor based on your temperature sensor and add an additional attribute to the template sensor, an attribute changing with time.
Had a similar issue a while ago, see this thread:


You can push the data straight into influx with the influx nodes. If you go this route create a test database first, it is tough to remove erroneous values in influx. This blog and at the bottom of the influx node page has sample flows.