Static IP in HassOS

Hi all,

Quick question as I need to set a static IP on my HassOS install. For Resin, you could mount the SD card in your computer and change the sample file directly. Is it the same way with HassOS? Or how do you recommend to go about changing the adress? JUST IP I need to change, on ethernet adapter if important.

I haven’t made the switch yet but I believe what you want is Step 6 here:

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The new process is a bit fiddly though. Take a look at this thread.

I prefer the much simpler ResinOS method.

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Thanks guys! I hadn’t seen that thread so now I at least know the procedure. Weird that you have to fiddle so much to fix this… I’ll give it a go!

Is the only way to change this setting really only by use of a USB stick?

And if so, then where does the information go. Can I read it in a configuration file somewhere? How can I see the current settings otherwise?

No one who can tell me?