Stop automatically adding device trackers to person

I can see both of your points, but I’d vote for a confirmation dialogue as well. Why not just let an alert message popup and ask, if the association of user<>person is wanted? That would solve both problems at once. The alert should only be presented once, at the first time it is necessary.

I’m not affected by it, because all my devices have their own user and login. But I can see the point, where people are not working like this. :slight_smile:

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it does! Holy crap.

Guys. This is not rocket science.

You have to opt into a person user login. You literally have to click a button that says “Allow this person to log in”. Now you created a person that can log in. There’s 50 confirmation boxes for this to happen.


More confirmation boxes does not mean it’s a better situation.

For this to occur the user needs to:

  1. Opt in to a person-user login.
  2. Opt in to updating locations via the mobile app.
  3. Log in on that person in the mobile app on that device.

There are so many ways to avoid this, it’s comical that anyone is still arguing against this. What I posted above is the simplest way to dis-associate a device tracker with a person-user combo on a specific device.

Sometimes I feel like everyone wants to be upset about something for the sake of being upset about something.

The only bug that I believe might exist with this is that a disabled device tracker doesn’t immediately stop tracking on a person. Which I haven’t confirmed as a bug because the user in question who had this issue has a history of making mistakes. However I believe it is actually a bug because we had a lengthy conversation about it. I believe a restart solves the problem (not 100% confirmed).

fixed it for you.

where does it say anywhere in that dialogue box to automatically associate some/any device tracker to the person?

as a matter of fact it asks right there in the dialogue which device trackers to associate with the person. it says nothing about the fact that device trackers will later randomly associate themselves to the person whenever you log in using that person on another device.

again, it’s not inherently obvious that what you say is expected is actually expected or apparently documented or I would have assumed you would have pointed to it by now.

And I think that sometimes some people (not everyone - way to blanket insult everyone here) want to just keep trying to justify anomalous behavior as a feature that nobody should ever question.

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opt-ins are confirmations. People don’t like pop up boxes, so this is how things are done. These suggestions for extra confirmations always come up and it’s always an argument about more clicks. Sorry, but this isn’t a solution.

As for the automatic adding of device-trackers, yes, it’s not obvious. You should understand that there was a huge push for this behavior (by users, not devs) with the person → user → location tracking. It’s not going to be changed because a few users refuse to use the tools at hand to take control.

It was directed at the person who’s always arguing, not OP. You should know that by now. For some reason, I can never have a discussions with you because you always seem to take everything as an offense or a “winnable” argument. Just re-read these posts. I’m explaining behavior. You’re jumping through hoops to poke holes in the behavior even though you can get around all the holes.

I have experienced this probably for over a year maybe close to two years. It’s frustrating because I have some automations based on my person location, not just a device tracker location.

I have a login and a person. My wife has a login and a person. I have a phone and a MacBook Pro. My wife has a phone and a MacBook Pro. We both use the app on each device. I have specific dashboards I can see and use, and she doesn’t want to see a lot of the behind the scenes dashboards. That’s why we have different logins tied to a person. Our phones are the main device we use for location tracking. Our MacBook Pro 95% of the time stays at home. Whenever a new login from the iOS/macOS app is detected, it will automatically add the device tracker for that app to that person based on login. There is no confirmation, no dialog on login even asking “do you want to associate this device tracker with this login/person?”. I can recreate the scenario by deleting the token for the device under my person/login, log out and reset the app which removes the mobile integration, then login. When I go look at my person, the device tracker has been added without me doing anything. This has happened whenever I have needed to reinstall my MacBook Pro. Additionally, we have a family iMac the kids use, but my wife and I also have a login for. Same situation, we have the HA macOS app under each of our login on the iMac and login with our own person and it adds the device tracker to our person without asking. The iMac never moves, so I don’t want the device tracker automatically associated.

All of this automatic device tracker association to a person causes our automations based on person entity location to misbehave and can prevent how or when our automations run because of how the person entity works with device trackers.

I propose an additional question during initial login of a new app which has not been associated with a person before to ask if this device should be associated with this person/login.

Disable location tracking on that device. I don’t know how many times I have to say this. You’re tracking your location. Don’t allow it. It’s a question on startup of the app for the first time. Literally.

But then how do you propose running automations that are specific to that device’s tracker? I’m not using the device tracker for my person location, but I use the fact that it goes from home > away and vice versa to run things like a lighting automation in the office?

Lets go over all the ways to avoid this from happening:

  1. Create a user that is not associated with a person. Use that login on subsequent mobile app devices.

  2. Disable the device tracker on your device in question via the mobile app integration.



  1. Create a person that doesn’t log in. Use that person to track the person in question.

Then create a separate person for your person, don’t use the one associated with your login.

You don’t need to click “Allow this person to log in”. In fact, you can uncheck that and it removes the association, but you may need to recreate the user.

I can’t stress this enough. All the behavior you guys want exists right now. You can make it work the way you want currently. But you’re refusing to use the tools that are provided in leu of adding a confirmation.

I just confirmed, if you uncheck “allow this person to log in”, you have to create the user again.

So… If you want a user and a person with the same name, but without the automatic association. Uncheck ‘allow this person to log in’ and then create them as a user separately.

The only exception is the owner account. They always have a person/user link and it cannot be broken.

But there are specific dashboards for each person. Why do I have to create double the number of persons/logins? That’s a little silly. So I’ll have a B and a B’ login, and my wife will have an R and a R’ login. All this work around to avoid adding a device tracker to a person but keep the device tracker enabled so we can use it for automations not tied to a person. I think I’ll just stick with periodically checking the person entity and continually remove any associated device trackers that add themselves but shouldn’t be there. I and others feel this is a bug/flaw in the person entity or the onboarding of a new app login.

edit: you replied about the “allow user to login” as I was replying. And there in lies another problem. I am the owner, my wife is a user. Why do I need to create double the logins?

Just make the owner an admin account and make yourself an admin user. It’s really not that hard, its maybe 5 minutes of configuring.

To clarify, rename it to “admin”, and then make yourself another account that has admin privileges.

Again you don’t. You’re making 1 log in account. You’re making 1 person.

EDIT: I should clarify: You can make multiple accounts, if you want to. But you don’t need to do that as there are ways for you to get everything you want.

I’m confused because a few posts up, in your steps, you literally tell me to I could create a user/login not associated with a person, then later on in the steps you tell me to I could create another person. If I create just a separate login, I still need 2 logins because of the different dashboards visible per person.

They aren’t steps, they are options that you have. Each one is a different path or option.

No, you don’t. The dashboards are visible per user_id, not person. That’s why it says user_id, not person_id.

People can be users. You can have extra users that are not attached to people. You can have people and users that are not linked, but essentially the same.

If you check “allow to login” on the person page, it automatically creates the user for you.

Do not do this. Create the user yourself… that’s it.

Probably this conversation escalated for no reasons.

This is my point of view:
If i’m logging in from multiple devices, PROBABLY I don’t want my person entity to be linked with all of those devices. This behavior, in some cases, may cause some problems related to the position of that entity and, obiviously, with some automation.


The very-easy solution proposed by @petro is perfect. No need to change those automations, no need to do anything but create a new user (it’s like 5 seconds) not linked to any Person.

I’m logging in into HA from a Smartphone, a Tablet and a Macbook. I’ll leave my User on the smartphone, in order to use all of my presence automations as usual and the new user will be used on the Tablet and Macbook too.
I really don’t understand how I didn’t think about that before.

Really easy and (almost) nothing to change.

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You can’t create another login with the same username. Now I have two users per individual. One associated with a person and one that isn’t. All this to avoid device tracker adding to a person, but keeping the device tracker for a device I login to active, and still allow different dashboards per user. That’s silly.

You keep glancing over the fact that I said you need to rename the owner account. Which you will not use unless you have to.

Owners have no extra privilege’s from administrators. So there’s no loss other than the nice little crown.

No, my man, are you reading my responses?

You will have 1 user. 1. 1 User per person.