Stream Component: Confirmed Cameras and Configurations

On my hikvision, 102 is mjpeg. 101 is H.264.

The user name and password is used for the still image, not the stream.
I found that out the hard way.

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what kind of camera? I think it depends if you have authentication on for RTSP or have it disabled. In my case, it is on, and only allows basic authentication. I want authentication as I don’t want anyone to be able to browse on my camera if they get in my network (although I guess it isn’t a big deal now that I think about it).

I think the user name and password fields have nothing to do with the stream.
Your stream requires the username:password in it if you have authentication on. It doesn’t use the user name password.

The still image uses the user name password if authentication is on.

Understood. That seems to be how it works, but I wish it wasn’t how it works. :slight_smile:

I’ve posted some further information on Unifi Protect here about setting the Unifi Camera credentials. I have confirmed that Unifi is now working using the stream component using the same config you have previously posted.

I am not following? Camera.snapshot? Then you already have a working camera… No, I want a snapshot url from Synology, but Synology doesn’t provide that in a single url, like the rtsp stream

I have 2 Unifi cameras streaming, fine, but not getting sound. Does anyone have sound working?

Sorry to mislead you. it is not working the way i thought it was working. Anyway, what I did was the below.

  1. place any jpg image (place holder) in www folder

  2. create a camera config and point this as image_url (and actual synology stream as stream_url)

  3. at this point you cameras will show up with the place holder image. if you click on it it will open the actual stream.

  4. then i created an automation (state change) using camera.snapshot to create new images (with the same name as the placeholder image, so that it will get overwritten)

    platform: state
    entity_id: camera.entrance_cam, camera.frontroom_cam, camera.lounge_cam, camera.backyard_cam
    service: camera.snapshot
    entity_id: ‘{{trigger.from_state.entity_id}}’
    filename: ‘/config/www/images/{{trigger.to_state.entity_id}}.jpg’

  5. it works but, it looks like the camera.snapshot is creating snapshots using the placeholder image (not the actual stream). so the new images created also looking exactly same as the placeholder. BUMMER

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Has anyone configured an axis camera to work with the stream component?

Hehe, that’s normal, that’s why there is a snapshot url, to create snapshots… They are not coming from streamsource

Anyone got the DSC-932L d-link camera to work with the stream component?

There is a fix coming planned for 0.91.1 that will make Axis cameras work. Hold out for that.


I’ve been trying with DCS-935L using RTSP with H.264 and I’ve had no luck. The address I’ve tried is rtsp://username:password@ip-number:554/play1.sdp and is working fine in VLC.

Ok, thanks, please give me a heads up if you figure it out :blush:

For all the Foscam owners out there. This is working for me.

Foscam C1 and Foscam FI9800P

- platform: generic
  name: "Camera name"
  stream_source: rtsp://USERNAME:PASSWORD@IPADDRESS:554/videoMain
  still_image_url: http://IPADDRESS:88/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=snapPicture2&usr=USERNAME&pwd=PASSWORD
  username: USERNAME
  password: PASSWORD
  verify_ssl: false
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and also smooth? i also believe platform foscam itself is now also supported for stream: so not only generic (91.0)

tried it?

I tried the foscam platform but could not get the stream to work.

The generic is smooth-ish. Has some hickups now and then but overall it’s okay.

I’m struggling to get this to work on my SV3C camera

The URLs work fine on the browser, but HA wont see the still image or the video feedPreformatted text

Camera 1 = DS-2CD2185FWD-IS, H265+, authentification : digest
Camera 2 = DS-2CD2142FWD-I, H264+, authentification : digest

Code :

- platform: generic
  stream_source: rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/102/
  username: !secret hikvision_garage_username
  password: !secret hikvision_garage_password
  authentication: digest
  name: "Camera garage"

- platform: generic
  stream_source: rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/102/
  username: !secret hikvision_garden_username
  password: !secret hikvision_garden_password
  authentication: digest
  name: 'Camera garden'