Stream Component: Confirmed Cameras and Configurations

Typically, you’d go into the Blue Iris / Settings / Web Server / Advanced page (I think, I’m going from memory since I’m at work) and enter the IP address of your Home Assistant server in the page that allows/denies authorization by IP address.

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Thanks for reply! What IP would I authorize, my HA virtual instance?

Without any authorization I have BI cameras setup via mjpeg, but that does not work with the streaming component.

  - platform: mjpeg
    mjpeg_url: http://192.168.xx.xx:5122/mjpg/cameraname
    name: Kitchen
    username: xxx
    password: xxx
    authentication: basic

Yes, the LAN IP address of your HA virtual instance. :slight_smile:

I apologize, as I have a VPN back into my home lan, but I don’t have my personal laptop here at work. Otherwise, I’d screen-shot this and give you the exact location and syntax. It’s been a long time, and I think there needs to be either a plus ‘+’ or minus ‘-’ sign in front of the IP address.

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Perfect, I will try this when I get home!

Bummer, this does not have any effect.

I have 16 camera using BI, when I changed the integration to use cast it basically crashed BI since HA opens websocket connection per camera which creates load that BI cannot support (16 core CPU, 32GB, RTX2060 with CUDA decoding)

Last time I checked was with BI4.

Would you mind pasting in your HA camera config and BI settings? Thanks!

Here’s my settings. .35 is the Home Assistant system, .174 is Google Chromecast (never could get that PoC to work). The caret ‘^’ is the special character that tells BI to NOT require authentication from these IP addresses.

This is my configuration YAML for two cameras. The .20 IP address is my Blue Iris server. 8899 is the TCP/IP port of the BI web server.

# Cast video streams to media players

# generic video streams

# Cameras - still images and video streams
  - platform: generic
    verify_ssl: false
    name: Sunroom
    still_image_url: ''
    stream_source:   ''

  - platform: generic
    verify_ssl: false
    name: Living Room
    still_image_url: ''
    stream_source:   ''
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Those nearly match mine and no dice.

I don’t think commas work, press CTRL+Enter to add a new line. That could be why the second IP isn’t working.

When I use the Amcrest component, streaming works fine. I can cast to any device with no issue, but does not seem to work with latest BlueIris.

Wow, believe it or not but " verify_ssl: false" was the key! Thank you!

It’s all about sharing. I got most of this from others here several months ago. I’ll try setting the second IP address on a separate line and see what happens with the Chromecast. Thanks!!

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Do you use Google Home / Nabu Casa? If so that how cameras using the stream component can be added to Google Home then stream to Chromecast. That’s how I did it at least.

No, I typically avoid any cloud-based services altogether. The Google Chromecast Ultra is about the only thing I have that is remotely Amazon/Google/etc cloud-based.

Hi dshokouhi, is this still the current status? Are there plans to make it work?


I have the same cameras as you (SV3C 1080p PoE), would you mind sharing your config?
mine is as follows.

    - platform: ffmpeg
      input: rtsp://admin:[email protected]/stream0
      name: test

Do I need to put anything else?

Do you get sound as well?


Hello, i cant get my FI9853EP working in HASS, can i see your config?

I have the same issue here. All my settings are set per the cpu tweak guide on IPCAMTALK, but with 10 cameras and HA it kills blue iris CPU. I can open 1 or 2 cameras but after that since it keeps the web socket open for 5 minutes I try to open another camera and the cpu jumps by 20% each time. I have a core i7 8gb ram with intel decoding, works great on its on. Web interface streams great and blueiris normally runs with 10-17% cpu.

Anyone else with 10+ cameras able to use the stream component?

I’m relatively new to HomeAssistant and having trouble understanding how to implement this. I have two Dahua cameras that I would like to add a live stream of to my lovelace interface. I don’t have any need to record or trigger on events from the camera, just a stream of the RTSP feed. What files do I need to modify to implement that?

you just need to know the rtsp feed and configure the devices using the documentation. The configuration goes inside configuration.yaml.

My Unifi Protect cameras work fine (both as generic cameras, and using briis’ Unifi Protect custom_component). However, there is never any sound when I view either through the frontend or from a Google Home Hub. I’m guessing this maybe some sort of setting within the Protect UI but can’t find anything. Anyone else with Unifi dealt with this?

Edit to answer myself: I totally didn’t realize that Google Home makes this impossible. Guess I will live transcode RTSP->MP3 using FFmpeg and cast that to the speaker instead!