Stream component won't load

Hi guys,

I am trying to set up my hikvision camera.

I managed to set up the DHCP correctly, and the camera seems to stream fine from the IP…see image, so i know the stream works:

I tried to follow this youtube video for setting up the camera stream component

The problem is when I add it to HA, it shows up as an entity (see image), but when I add that entity to a picture card (see image), it just loads endlessly and never shows the stream (see this image).

Here are the config file entry for the camera:

# HikVison Camera
  - platform: generic
    name: Streaming Enabled
    still_image_url: http://UNXXX:[email protected]/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/101/picture
    stream_source: rtsp://UNXXX:[email protected]:554

the config for the picture card is:

entity: camera.streaming_enabled
type: picture-entity

I’m running the newest version of Home Assistant 0.92.0, through HASSIO in docker…

Hostname: raspberrypi
System: Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)

In your camera settings make sure your security settings set as digest/basic on both CGI and ONVIF.

My config if it helps:

- platform: generic
  name: Front
  username: !secret camera_user
  password: !secret camera_password
  still_image_url: http:/your_ip_address/cgi-bin/viewer/video.jpg
#  stream_source: rtsp://your_user:your_password@your_ip_address:554/live.sdp

Note I have commented out the stream source. It works but if left enabled will cause my HA front end to become unresponsive after a while (or maybe with mobile use).

The still image 1 second update works well enough for me for now.