Stripped-down Lite version of Home assistant core

I am using home assistant core for several years and like it because of it flexibility and easy of use.but on the speed and performance side it relatively very poor.It take time to start up and compared to edge oriented solutions like LFedge edgex it is very heavy in size as a container also.Each year as new component added the code base become bigger.I suggest the team behind home assistant to make a strip down version of home assistant core with minimal components thats work in resource constraint devices.

What do you suggest is left out? There are 2455 integrations, which ones aren’t needed?

I think they should integrated only the core features that can affect the functionality of the main software in the core repo( automations,area,notifications etc) and others more specific integration can be install from a package manager something similar to hacs ( considering hacs for custom components we need a package manager for core components).No one is using all the integrations they shipped with the core software.

Integrations you aren’t using (ie. haven’t configured) typically won’t be loaded.

Unless they’re in default_config. And that’s where you can remove quite a bunch. I made a very lightweight Core for my dev needs by removing half of the stuff in default_config. It starts up in a few seconds on a Pi0W (which is about as crappy performance you can get).

More generally, I mean HA is written in Python. Of course it’s going to be slow and bloated, that’s a ‘feature’ of that language. There’s not much one can do about that except for switching to something other than HA.

hi @HeyImAlex , Can you put it on github,I would like to check it…

Just delete default_config and add back what you want.

Conceptually a duplicate, I guess

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