Struggling to Start

I was struggling with this for a long time, but managed to get it working. xxx:4357 addresses worked every time and says everything is OK, but xxxx:8123 did not. Command line on the server worked fine. Spent multiple days trying to figure out, tried multiple different PCs etc.

But now I got it working. I did two things.

  1. Downloaded the latest Balena Etcher (I had 1.18 something, downloaded 1.19.25)

  2. Extracted the .img.xz file before flashing it.

I hadn’t even noticed before that the haos .img is archived - I only noticed after newer Balena gave me an error mid flashing. After flashing it extracted, install worked fine.

It would seem odd that flashing an archived .img works, but only 95 %, so it might have been just an odd change of botched flashing.