Stuck at "Loading Data" after updating core to 2024.12

Is anyone experiencing this with 2024.12.2? I am yet to try it

Just tried it, same result. Itā€™s ā€˜interestingā€™ to see how so many people seem to have issues, but HA does not seem to reply at all, anywhereā€¦ I mean, itā€™s been 8 days nowā€¦

I just managed to perform a restore via CLI to 2024.11.3. Now it works again. Will skip 2024.12.3 and wait for the next one.

How do you restore? I can login to core and see my backups but the command back is not found.

Trying to roll back with:

[core-ssh ~]$ ha core update --version 2024.11.3
Processing... Done.

Error: Another job is running for job group home_assistant_core

Iā€™d rather have less frequent updates that work 100%

I used ā€œback restore [backup filename] --homeassistantā€. Restore took about 10 minutes. See Restore Backup in corrupted installation using CLI Ā· Issue #24822 Ā· home-assistant/ Ā· GitHub for detailed instructions.

I managed to restore from backup. ls -larth /backups first to find a large recent backup, should be a full one then run:

ha backups restore 18c18eb6

You have to run the restore quite soon after the system boots or else it wonā€™t work.

same problem here after the update from 2024.12.2 to 2024.12.3ā€¦unable to restore the backup (2024.12.2)ā€¦i restored the full os now wiith a 2024.11.4. That works, but all the new things are missing:|ā€¦So i tried to restore the backup from a 2024.12.2, but than the i got the same prob as beforeā€¦the still not working UIā€¦is there a way to restore the configuration files (automations and all the yamlā€™s) without the HA version?

I lost an entire day on this. :frowning:

After the update from 2024.12.2 to 2024.12.3, the system became unresponsive. In the CLI I also hit the ā€œError: Another job is running for job group home_assistant_coreā€ message when trying to restore the last checkpoint. I tried all suggestions I could find here on the board, but nothing resolved the situation.

I finally decided to do a full restore (scary decission), with a backup of 2024.12.2. I tried the update to 2024.12.3 once more, but got stuck in the same situation. The system was again unresponsive, and in the CLI hissing that same ā€œError: Another job is running for job group home_assistant_coreā€ message again.

The only option is another full restore. :upside_down_face:

I am restoring to 2024.12.2 again, and will skip 2024.12.3 for now. There is something wrong seriously wrong with this release. :nauseated_face:

On the possitive side, I could state that I learned how to restore the system with my eyes closedā€¦ but I would have preferred doing something else today. :grinning:

After updating to 14.0, my Home Assistant interface got stuck at ā€œLoading data.ā€ I checked the logs using the CLI (ha core logs), and they showed several errors tied to the Dwains Dashboard custom integration. Once I updated Dwains Dashboard to its latest version, the errors stopped and the UI loaded as normal.

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This has to be the worst update ever. My whole house is a brick.

Same Issue here, now have to figure out how to restore.

I had the same issue. Now I was able to fix it.
In my case it was a custom integration named ā€œlovelace_genā€. After updating I got stuck at ā€œloading dataā€, but i was able to connect to my homeassistant using ssh. Then I removed the custom integration ā€œlovelace_genā€ from folder /root/config/custom_components and reboot the system. Now my homeassistant is on Version 2024.12.3 without stucking on loading data but also without dashboards where i used ā€œlovelace_genā€. Maybe some of you can also solve the problem with my tips.

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The easiest method for me to rollback was to access the terminal using keyboard and video connected. From terminal restart in safe mode using command ha core restart --safe-mode
Wait for restart to complete and you should be able to access Home Assistant using the app or web browser. You can then restore from partial or full backup from the GUI. I used the partial backup automatically taken before updating.

Iā€™m also stuck on ā€˜Loading dataā€™ Iā€™ve tried 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, I havenā€™t tried 12.4 yet.
I noticed the issue only arises after I reload the browser when informed a new version of the frontend is available.

When I have some time Iā€™m going to try not letting it reload the new version of the frontend and check the logs to see which 3rd party components are failing. Then ether wait for updates or remove them. Checking logs in safe mode is also an option.


Had the same issue, have Hassio on a RaspPI. After hard resetting and keep refreshing browser doing startup i got in on a session, tried to restore backup but didnā€™t work. As Ruggerrun and tshnilo have mentioned this seems to be HACS bricking the systems. So with my session i went to HACS and updated everything, after another HA restart, my HA is working again.

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I found that in my case, the problem was probably due to the ics_calendar integration from HACS (hereā€™s the issue).

If anyone with the 12.3 issues (and a bricked systems), has successfully moved to 12.4 (skipping 12.3)ā€¦ please share. I am really hessitant to upgrade (read: donā€™t want to spend more hours restoring HA).

FIXED here! As stated above, it had to do with outdated HACS modules. I updated them, did a reboot and then updated to 2024.4 and it works flawlessly. THanks guys!!

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I took the risk and successfully moved from 12.2 to 12.4 (after taking an extra backup). I first made sure all integrations had been updated prior to the update. The update itself was a breeze! :+1:

you might want to correct this, not HACS is bricking the system, it is one of custom integrations downloaded with(!) HACS blocking your system ( like for example a specific version of the ics_calendar integration, meanwhile corrected)

This works for me. Thanks
Now I have this notification that I can resolve

Logger: homeassistant.setup
First occurred: December 20, 2024 at 9:31:52 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: December 20, 2024 at 9:31:52 PM

Setup failed for ā€˜lovelace_genā€™: Integration not found.

Any idea ?