Stuck on automation with delay

Can you list the details of the three instances of Home Assistant?

As I understand it, all three are installed as Python virtual environments.
One has just four z-wave devices.
All use the same brand/model of z-wave controller.

How may devices on the other two instances?
Which ones have dead nodes?

All use V5 of the Aeon Z-Stick on Python virtual environments, yeah.

System 1 (main system) on Pi 4 with Buster, clean install a wek ago, Home Assistant 0.96.0: 15 devices, with the mentioned Telldus switches, Heat It! thermostats and one ID-lock. Of those one switch is dead (pulled for testing purposes, but plugging it doesnā€™t change anything), and the ID Lock is dead (because of an error in the lock itself, not the Z-Wave system board or other system).

System 2 (runing control system that switches off and on power to four other Piā€™s), Pi 3B+ with Stretch, clean install this winter, Home Assistant 0.91.4: Four of the Telldus switches, nothing else. Nothing dead, all good time.

System 3 (cabin system) Pi 3B or 3B+ (not sure, and Iā€™m not there now) with Stretch, installed last summer and upgraded along the way, home Assistgant 0.91.4: 5 devices, with two of the Telldus switches (one dead, only because itā€™s not used at the moment), one internal AN179 In wall ON/OFF Module, one ID Lock and one Heat It! thermostat.


None of these three instances is producing a network_ready event and two of them are using 0.91.4. That means the lack of a network_ready event is not something due to recent changes (if any) but dates back to at least 0.91.4 .

Both you and finity are using the same z-wave controller brand and model yet his system produces a network-ready event but none of yours do.

The presence or absence of a dead-node appears to have no influence on the production of a network_ready event.

Puzzling clues. There must be some critical differentiator between your three systems and his. :man_shrugging:

I think we determined the only real difference is that Iā€™m running in Docker.

I donā€™t see how that could make any difference but there has to be something and thatā€™s the only glaring difference.

It could be (and likely is) something else but thatā€™s the best info we have for now.

I will install a new Buster setup for the simplest network (running control system) and only move the Z-Stick, none of the configuration files, and see what happens. May take a few days to get around to, though.

@finity Final thought: Do you do secure inclusion of everything? I only do secure inclusion of the door lock, I figured the rest isnā€™t as critical (and besides nobody does Z-Wave around here, itā€™s not the most automation heavy neighbourhood).

If the device supports secure inclusion I include it that way. I figure itā€™s there for a reason and itā€™s just as easy to include it securely as not so why not.

OK, then we have another difference. One of my reasons for not doing that is that I could bring the Z-Stick around to the different thermostats in the wall and include them by pressing the button on the stick. But can that be the reason? Am I the only one not doing secure inclusions of everything?

And thereā€™s another difference, too.

When I first started using HA two years ago I included my first couple of devices by using the button on the stick.

then I read somewhere that the ā€œpreferredā€ way was to use the zwave control panel in HA to do the inclusions. Now that has transformed into the ā€œrequiredā€ way is to use the control panel and never use the button on the stick. I donā€™t know of any explanation of why that is the requirement tho.

Iā€™m not sure why or even if that could be the cause of any of the issues you are having but itā€™s another point of information.

Come to think of it I have not included the ones in the cabin or the keep alive network in any other way, thatā€™s been done either from OZW control panel (the cabin, that network started when I was still using Node-RED for Z-Wave, and that needed to use OZW Control Panel to include) or directly from Hass (the keep alive network). Only not secure.

Edit: The manual for the switch doesnā€™t mention anything about secure inclusion, that may mean that it doesnā€™t support it anyway.