Stuck on "Loading data" since update to 0.61

I have my front end back :smiley:!

Albeit without Broadlink and Snapcast. The latest step of disabling Snapcast seemed to do it.

I still have that same error in the log though.

I am not sure I fully understand that, but if the updated .py files were the only platforms / components with the issue with the Domain, I don’t use any of those, so at least my issue is probably not that

@anderson110, do you get a new error in the log as above, each time your close your browser?
sorry, meant for @Dullage

Yup. I’ve just tested this and it does seem to be logged upon browser closure.

ok great (I think :slight_smile: ) at least we are pretty consistent with each other in our installations and time or new error in log

where now? :slight_smile:

I don’t know enough on the topic, but could this be related?

HTTP-01 was used in the command line I used to install LetsEncrypt

It looks as though the pull request will be published in an interim 0.61.1 build which will hoepfully be released pretty quickly. I can do without Broadlink and Snapcast for a few days so I might wait and re-test after applying this.

Yeh, there’s a lot I don’t understand in that question so not sure either :confused:.

I guess for now that is the only that can be done.

I also saw this which could be in the same release:

maybe this will help also? it has an upgrade to the aiohttp version, this is component…

so a I little more testing and I have found that loading home assistant in Microsoft Edge does not add any new errors, but loading home assistant in Chrome adds a new error when closing the browser

no idea what this means, but I just thought I would mention it

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same issue here… i removed custom ui for now.

I had the same issue, using broadlink components and custom-ui, and plex. All 3 caused some troubles.

Works fine now !


0.61.1 is now out and has the pull request mentioned above:

nvm i jsut need to reload everything

I just upgraded to 0.61.1 and I still get the error
what else could be causing it?

I’ve just updated. Broadlink and Snapcast now working again :slight_smile:, still get the error message when closing the browser :frowning:.

good news you are fully up and running again :slight_smile:
I am sort of comforted to know it is not just me that still has the issue still with the error on browser close. would be nice to find a fix for it

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looks like there is still an open issue for this:

Ah good spot! Looks like we just need to keep an eye on that then.

I was having the same issue driving me crazy.

I tested each and every config file one by one by removing everything and adding step by step … :exploding_head:

got resolved when I upgraded to Hassio 0.61.1 …

I just subscribed to it and added a few comments