Stuck on templating and splitting returned data

I have some tide info being pulled from a sensor and it gives a number of attributes, one of which being the time of the next high tide

using template editor, this

{{ state_attr(‘sensor.west_mersea_tide’, ‘next_high_tide_at’) }}

spits out this

2022-09-04 18:12:39+01:00

I’d like to strip out everything apart from the time (and ideally down to hours and minutes only I guess) which I think needs a split but Im totally lost if honest so thought I’d come to those in the know

Whilst I am at it, another attribute from the same sensor

{{ state_attr(‘sensor.west_mersea_tide’, ‘next_high_tide_height’) }}

gives this


so I’d like to use this as a condition so if the number is greater than say 5.2, display the tide…is this a templating thing as well?

Assuming that your sensor’s output is a datetime object you can use:

{{ (state_attr('sensor.west_mersea_tide', 'next_high_tide_at' ) | as_local).strftime("%-I:%M")}}

If it’s a string you will need to convert it to a datetime object:

{{ (state_attr('sensor.west_mersea_tide', 'next_high_tide_at' ) | as_datetime | as_local).strftime("%-I:%M")}}

It can be done with a template, but you may be able to use a Numeric State trigger if the unit symbol “m” isn’t actually part of the output. Otherwise, you will need to use a template:

  - platform: template
    value_template: > 
      {{ (state_attr('sensor.west_mersea_tide', 'next_high_tide_height' ) 
      | replace("m","") | float(0)) > 5.2 }}

If the date isn’t a datetime object (it most likely is tho since it is an attribute) then you can use this to extract just the hour and minutes from the string:

{{  state_attr(‘sensor.west_mersea_tide’, ‘next_high_tide_at’).split(' ')[1][:-9] }}
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  - platform: template
    value_template: > 
      {{ (state_attr('sensor.west_mersea_tide', 'next_high_tide_height' ) 
      | replace("m","") | float(0)) > 5.2 }}

This one worked perfectly

however, when trying others I get errors again

this one

{{ (state_attr(‘sensor.west_mersea_tide’, ‘next_high_tide_at’ )|as_datetime|as_local).strftime("%-I:%M")}}


TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a real number, not ‘datetime.datetime’

unfortunately, this one

{{ state_attr(‘sensor.west_mersea_tide’, ‘next_high_tide_at’).split(’ ')[1][:-9] }}

didn’t work either and returned

UndefinedError: ‘datetime.datetime object’ has no attribute ‘split’

That’s because you can’t split a datetime object. Only a string (and probably a number?) can be split like that.

You will need to use Didgeridrew’s format for that.

it’s already a datetime so you can’t convert it from a datetime to a date time.

try this:

{{ (state_attr('sensor.west_mersea_tide', 'next_high_tide_at' )|as_local).strftime("%-I:%M")}}

Hi Drew / everybody.

acoording to this post I thought it was also the solution to my problem but it isn’t (quite yet).

Could you pleasse help : The EPIC Time Conversion and Manipulation Thread! - #359 by Doctor_JaKe