Sudden Problems With Tuya Smart Life Lights

I am having very similar issues with my Tuya devices. I have 2 LE Smart Bulbs and 1 RGB Socket.

On the RGB Socket I am unable to control the colors at all, but I can turn it on and off. I have tried several customization settings. The only thing I can control with the Smart Life App for this RGB socket with lights is color, brightness, and saturation. So the formula should be 1+2+16=19. I have tried several combinations and unable to get it work.

On the LE smart life bulbs, I can change colors, pick white (which is purplish), and I cannot control the pure white channel once going to color. This is set at 191. When I slide the white color bar, it doesn’t move at all on the card. Any suggestions here?

I have updated everything to the new Tuya integration and it is connected and sees all my devices. I even added the new light card component as well.