Suggest me a home theater remote

Hi @_Mike, the solution at the moment is to add an additional dock (we’ll support multi-remote/multi-dock setups). Or hook up an existing IR product via the API. This obviously requires a bit more work.

We talked about a wireless solution you mentioned, but we’re a small team and we’re focusing on getting this product out there and see what we can do after :slight_smile:


Makes sense!

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Hi @marton - I’m still looking forward to the Folded Circle release later this year! Question - The website states “3rd party voice assistant support will be available through a free software update” - Which voice assistants are you looking into? Is Siri on the list?

Hi @_Mike Thanks! :slight_smile: We’re working really hard to make it happen. We’d like to have Siri as part of this, but unfortunately that is the most complicated of all three. Apple wants you to apply for the MFi program, and from a user side you need a HomePod Mini to make Siri work. This is a bigger undertaking and most likely we’ll tackle it once we’ve shipped products and have key features working.