Sunricher (friends of hue) switches not triggering automations

More testing done. Tried using eventsensor with no success.

The switches are not triggering anything in developer tools when listening to deconz_event. No response from either of the 2 switches i have tried with so i dont think its a broken switch. I am about to give up on them, does anyone have a clue as to what it might be?

Is the device compatible with the integration you are using?
Database of Zigbee devices compatible with ZHA, Tasmota, Zigbee2MQTT, deCONZ, ZiGate and ioBroker (

Try to use the switch in phoscon to see if it works.

It does not appear in the list. But neither does the Sunricher dimmer i have since a year back, which works as intended. The dimmer is just a pure zigbee and not Friends of Hue, so i suppose it might be a compatibility problem with their FoH things.

Does not work in phoscon either.

Have you tried to remove the device and re-pair it?
One of my remotes was not working first then I re-paired it and it worked.

What does the developer tools events data say when you press on each of the buttons.
Paste all button presses here and lets see what is going on.

I have tried remove and re-pairing a few times with no success.

It says absolutely nothing, i suspect it is not getting any event from the remotes. I have it set up to listen to deconz_event.

When i fire a deconz_event manually in devtools the automation works, but when i use the remote nothing happens and i get no data or anything.

If it shows up in phoscon but doesn’t work in it’s not going to work in HA. Better ask here