Supervised Install on Proxmox

Nice! A great write up and I’m sure it’ll be useful for a lot of people.

I would like to know this also, can we make a snapshot and install it when the image is out of beta?

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Excellent guide!
Once Home Assistant is running, the Supervisor page says that there is an OS update to 3.13 available. However, pressing the Update button in my environment does not update the OS. The System log does not have any error messages.
Has anyone seen something similar?

You might need to wait a bit for it to update - it won’t be instant and might look like nothing is happening. I have updated the OS numerous times in the version I play with (installed by the script)

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I believe the qcow2 image is a few versions ahead of the others - it seems to line up with some of the pre-releases that are on the GitHub

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Since the qcow2 vesion is in beta, its ahead of the stable branch. Hence, this button will appear, and will not do anything upon being pressed.

You can either ignore this, or you can click on the “Join Beta” button in the supervisor tab.

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Hmm, have to disagree to this one
Running script on the hypervisor is a way of automating the provisioning of VMs

As my proxmox is working with zfs storage, I can’t install the additional disk as a qcow2 disk. I’ve to do :

qm importdisk 106 hassos_ova-4.6.qcow2 local-lvm --format raw

but then, i get stuck on “booting from hard drive” when starting the virtual machine


I could not choose “quemu image format (qcow2)” on my (newish) Proxmox, only RAW as option. qm importdisk 101 /root/hassos_ova-4.6.qcow2 local --format qcow2 gave error “not supported” - something about LVM-thin.

What works: use RAW in VM-creation, then qm importdisk 101 /root/hassos_ova-4.6.qcow2 local-lvm ; everything else as above - thanks for the guide!


Double check the BIOS setting, it should be “OVMF (UEFI)” - I had the same thing with it just sitting at “booting from hard drive” when I just tried to use the qcow2 disk with out info about other settings, the default is “SeaBIOS”.

I use proxmox and have Home-assistant running in a ubuntu 20.04 lxc container without any virtual environments. That version of Ubuntu ships with python 3.7 and the container is only used for home-assistant. Lightweight.

What would be the benefit of using this image?

Kind Regards Erik

I am new to virtualization so correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that qcow2 images have the benefit of thin provisioning (if you install 4GB worth of data on a 32 GB virtual hard drive, it will only take up 4GB of your actual hard drive, at least until it grows), at the expense of higher IO overhead. On the other hand, raw images are fastest, but don’t have thin provisioning available. It seems like many users might actually prefer raw images over qcow2 if performance is the priority rather than saving disk space?

Having just switched from a 18.04 container with a virtual environment install to a qcow2 VM install I can tell you the addition of Hass.IO supervision is nice once you adjust to it but it came at a cost for me of 512mb of extra ram and 3% points increase in CPU usage. I have the resources to spare but docker inside a VM comes at a cost.

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Did you change your boot priority in proxmox for the VM?

Since the supervised installer was to be depreciated, this guide was made to help people find a new way to get HA running. In view of the fact that the plans for depreciation have been put on hold, this guide is now less useful.

However, it does work, and i’ve been using it for a past week or so now.

I think this guide remains incredibly useful. Proxmox offers the simplicity of HassOS with the ability to run other stuff on your machine. Some of us prefer to use it even if Home Assistant Supervised remains a supported path.

That doesn’t really affect my suggestion at all. I also got it working, but in a way that I think is slightly more efficient for the performance characteristics that I value, by using the command:
qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O raw hassos-3.13.vmdk hassos-3.13.img
instead of the qcow2.
Again, this would be for users who are more concerned about minimizing CPU/RAM usage than hard disk usage.


Well it does work with the vmdk file but it’s now named hassos_ova-3.13.vmdk and I did not find it to improve CPU / RAM usage compared to a qcow2 install. What difference did you see?

You’re right about the filename, my bad, I was going from memory. I had just read about the hypothetical differences between the image types as I tried to wrap my head around them. Thank you for actually testing them head to head. In that case, no change seems necessary to the guide as written.

FWIW Whiskerz script also installs the qcow2 image and I just used the script to create another VM on my Proxmox. Worked perfectly in seconds.


I skimmed through the code of the script and I believe it actually downloads the vmdk image and converts it to qcow2. I have since looked at all the settings and recreated the steps manually (including the conversion of the vmdk file to qcow2) and it worked perfectly.
Why recreate manually what the script does you may ask yourself?
Because I wanted to understand how to build a a VM in proxmox. It was was a very informative endeavor. I’m a lot more comfortable using proxmox than I was 2 days ago…which isn’t saying that much because I knew absolutely nothing 2 days ago. :man_shrugging:

Anyway thanks for the guide @cyberwarfare. I used your command line to convert from vmdk to qcow2 and import into my VM. It was the final step I needed for my manual config.